Scripture is making its way into the public square. Please pray for those of us who are called to speak its truth in contexts where millions of non-Christians are listening, says Chine McDonald
Something strange is happening. Public theology is no longer the remit of those who describe themselves as public theologians in their bios. It is making its way into the mainstream. Theology is being debated in the areopagus of our times: social media.
Over the past few weeks, Democrats have used the parable of the prodigal son as a framework for welcoming home Republicans who changed their mind over voting for Donald Trump. Darling of the manosphere Joe Rogan has discussed the case for the resurrection with apologist Wesley Huff. And American vice president JD Vance had a very public spat on X with former Tory MP, Rory Stewart, over the real meaning of Jesus’ commandment to “love your neighbour”.
While the vast majority of these incidents have taken place in the US, they are being discussed and debated on this side of the Atlantic, too. The BBC, for example, interviewed Stewart about his interpretation of scripture following his argument with Vance.
Many Christians – myself included – have long desired to see the relevance of the Christian message to social and political issues recognised; for the Bible to be drawn upon to answer some of the biggest challenges of our day. Now, this seems to be happening - and it is only going to increase. The nature and meaning of biblical narratives will be contested in the public square, with political opponents arming themselves with scripture to justify their worldview.
Theology is being debated in the areopagus of our times: social media
The task for those of us who speak about Christianity in public, therefore, is to up our game. Not all are cut out for this. It takes knowledge of what scripture says and an appreciation of the nuances of time, place and culture; an understanding of the different ways that Christian communities have understood particular scriptures over centuries. It takes humility and an openness to realising the Bible doesn’t always say what we want it to. It also requires practise, and a commitment to the craft of speaking into secular culture, in a language that will draw the culture towards the Christian faith, rather than push it further away. We must not bash people over the head with the Bible but commit to seeing public theology as an artform.
Those of us who speak about Christianity in public need your prayers. Pray that we will be able to speak winsomely, courageously and creatively, that we will – like the sons of Issachar – understand the times and know what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). Pray that, as students of scripture, we will be confident of its message and not find ourselves second-guessing our knowledge due to other people’s political readings, or floundering at the weaponisation of scripture to score points. Pray that rather than being fearful, we will know the joy of communicating how the Christian faith can help the world wrestle with these challenging and turbulent times. The opportunity is daunting and significant. Pray we’ll be up to the challenge.

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