All Renewal articles
Bible sales are surging! It’s more evidence of renewal in the UK
Bible sales have surged in the UK, amid a broader cultural change pointing to an awakening in society. With church attendance seemingly stagnating, Sam Richardson says many are turning straight to scripture to answer life’s deepest questions
News Analysis
10,000 young people just worshipped Jesus at Wembley Arena
As thousands of teenagers gathered for the UK’s largest Catholic youth event, AJ Gomez was there to report on the hopeful message being given to the next generation
Giles Coren has given up atheism for Lent. Are we witnessing an intellectual return to Christianity?
In his latest column for The Times, journalist Giles Coren announced that he was giving up atheism for Lent. Stephen McAlpine explores
Mumford & Sons’ new song is an anthem for a generation rediscovering Christianity
Marcus Mumford has never wanted to be a poster boy for Christianity. But his new song ‘Malibu’ may, nonetheless, be capturing a cultural moment, says Robin Ham
What God did at Gather 25 is just the beginning
Lauren Burnett is part of the team which hosted the London site of Gather25, a spectacular, global gathering of 7 million Christians. She reports from SAINT church on what God is doing among the next generation, how praying for unity changes things and why the future looks bright
Stormzy just set the standard for bringing God to secular spaces
Gratitude to God is often vague at big awards shows, but at this year’s BRITs, Stormzy and Ezra Collective’s Femi Koleoso clearly honoured Jesus Christ. Such powerful expressions of faith will inspire other Christian creatives to do the same, says Maxine Harrison
Magazine Features
‘We can’t keep up with the number of students requesting baptism’
Reports of God at work among Gen Z are flooding in from around the globe. Tony Wilson heads to Toulouse, to investigate a remarkable renewal among the town’s student population
Regular Columnists
The Bible is being debated on the world’s biggest stages. Let’s pray for our public theologians
Scripture is making its way into the public square. Please pray for those of us who are called to speak its truth in contexts where millions of non-Christians are listening, says Chine McDonald
‘My once-atheist friends are turning to God’
When The Times run an article about Gen Z coming back to Christian faith, you know something must be going on. It is, says Premier’s Jess Stark. It’s the beautiful witness of a generation of young people living in radical holiness
Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are taking Gen Z men to Church
A new survey from Australia reveals that Gen Z men are embracing Christianity. They’re disillusioned with modern culture, energised by conservative thinkers such as Jordan Peterson and seeking something greater than themselves. But is the Church ready for them?
Revival is coming - but is the Church ready?
Paul Williams has always been wary of claims of revival, but he believes that God is on the move. When revival comes, it is not for the Christians, but for those far away, he says. It’s time for the Church to open its doors wide
The co-founder of Wikipedia has become a Christian. Here’s what convinced him
Decades of his own in-depth study combined with the testimony of “intelligent Christians” helped moved Larry Sanger from agnostic to Christian. In a lengthy blog post published this week, the Wikipedia co-founder revealed what changed his mind on God’s existence. Here’s what you need to know
Bishop of Kensington: I’m praying for revival. Will you join me?
Revival is not about experience or emotion and it cannot be strategised or planned for, says Rt Rev Dr Emma Ineson. It is the faithful seeking of God’s heart for the transformation of our nation, and the drawing near to God of those who are far away. Let’s pray faithfully for it to begin with us
Magazine Features
The 4 biggest trends in Church and culture
Theologians from the UK’s top Bible colleges talk to Sam Hailes about migration, revival, formation and keeping it weird
Young people with no connection to church are coming anyway. It’s called ‘contactless curiosity’
Across the UK, more and more young people are investigating Christianity - not through the invitation of a friend or a church outreach programme, but a contactless curiosity seemingly stirred by God alone. Dave Kemp shares his story and asks: is this the beginning of something?
Gen Z might be more ‘spiritual’ than previous generations, but let’s be careful to understand what that means
Dr Gareth Crispin teases out what messages Christians can take from the latest statistics on the beliefs of Generation Z
Did I just watch revival in the UK begin?
Amid claims that Gen Z is increasingly turning to spirituality, AJ Gomez gathered with hundreds of young Christians to contend for spiritual renewal in their nation. As he listened to the stories of God at work, he felt something shift in him, too, he says
Bible Boom: How Gen Z’s search for spirituality is renewing faith in America
As sales of Bibles in the US surge, Dr John Farquhar Plake says there’s a new hunger for spirituality among young people
Magazine Features
The inside story of the UK’s fastest growing church
The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has a vision to plant a church within five minutes’ walking or driving distance of every home worldwide. As part of Black History Month, George Luke looks at the church’s Nigerian origins, and reports on how it is experiencing significant growth in the UK
#TradCath: Why Gen Z rebellion means converting to Catholicism
Samantha Smith’s return to the faith of her childhood was, in part, encouraged by the traditional Catholic influencers she found online. She explores why young people are drawn to them