Did the late charismatic leader Kim Clement accurately predict major political events? That’s what some Christians have claimed on social media. Heather Tomlinson investigates
A number of “prophets” are said to have predicted the extraordinary happenings surrounding Donald Trump.
For example, Brandon Biggs gave an uncanny description of a bullet flying past Trump’s ear months before the assassination attempt – and has now been further emboldened by the re-election of Trump, which he also said would happen.
Another case doing the rounds involves the late Kim Clement. The South African pastor had a small ministry on the fringes of the charismatic movement for many years.
Who was Kim Clement?
Kim Clement was born in South Africa but later moved to the US and ministered internationally. He battled with depression in his teens and called out to Jesus to save him after he was stabbed and robbed following heavy drinking and overdosing on heroin. A Christian man came to help him and shared about Jesus. His life was forever changed.
He later founded a church called House of Destiny and in 2008 started an online ministry called The Den through which he would broadcast his prophetic messages. His wife says they adopted five children with special needs.
Kim died in 2016 due to a brain tumour. One of his daughters, Donne, regularly publishes past prophecies her father gave on YouTube. She believes they have been fulfilled.
What exactly did he prophesy?
There are copious volumes of his alleged prophecies which are all available on the church’s website in a searchable database. Many refer to the revival of Christian faith in the US, and to the fortunes of the country, although the topics he covers are wide ranging, and it is sometimes it is not clear exactly what he is referring to.
Some of the more recent commentary videos that purport to show accurate predictions about Trump splice together pronouncements that appear to refer to Trump, but when looked at in context the meaning is less certain.
Did he say anything specifically about Trump?
A search on his church’s “prophecy database” for “Trump” brings up a message said to be from 2007.
It seems to apply to the media rather than the Presidency, using the British English definition of the word as “a trumpet or the sound produced by one,” although it is a little ambiguous: “For the Spirit of God says, honour me with your praise and acceptance of this that I say to you. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace if you wish, into the news media. Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say. Newsweek, what I want to say. The View, what I want to say. Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord! I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church, says the Spirit of the Living God!”
The latter prediction is interesting given recent allegations that Gates has funded the influencing of evangelical Christianity towards more progressive ideas.
Is there anything more specific?
There is also a mention of “Donald” who will be “elected” in a 2013 declaration: “There is a man by the name of Mr. Clark and there is also another man by the name of Donald. You are both watching me, saying could it be that God is speaking to me? Yes, He is! Somebody, just a few minutes before you came on the show, you went out and you took the American flag and you said, “I’m proud of my nation.” You raised it up, and God said, “You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation.” You’re watching me; you’re an influential person. The Spirit of God says, “Hear the word of the prophet to you as a king, I will open that door that you prayed about and when it comes time for the election, you will be elected.”
So it seems this is a direct communication to someone Kim believes is listening to this broadcast. Given that Trump’s knowledge of Christianity was decidedly shaky at the start of his first term, is it likely he was listening to the online streaming of a relatively obscure Christian prophet at this point, or that he was praying fervently about becoming President as the message says?
There seems to be other accurate predictions, such as Trump’s second term?
The database allows us to look at these carefully. On 10 February 2007 there is a prediction that has also been applied to Trump: “God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a President that will pray but he will not be a praying President when he starts. I will put him in Office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power, says the Lord of Hosts.”
There are other references to impeachment, an end to hatred, and various kind of political events, but they are often mixed in with other messages that seem irrelevant, or are quite vague, or can be taken out of context.
The easy access to these claimed prophecies means that readers can search the database and make their own minds up, but it’s likely that only hardcore fans would be certain that these messages relate to Trump and his presidency.

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