This wonderfully engaging book is a concise chronological study of the many different women who span the Old and New Testaments.
Storkey encourages you to actually read the biblical accounts referenced before delving into each chapter. How refreshing (and rare) to pick up the Bible so many times while reading a Christian book in order to rediscover these incredible stories. Though the chapters are short, the insight is deep.
Some of the women featured will be well known to most Christians, others not so much. Storkey successfully and beautifully shows just how integral women are in the weaving together of God and humanity’s redemptive history.
What makes this book so important for today is how Storkey carefully and diligently explores the patriarchal contexts in which these women’s stories are found, and then applies the challenges, truths and wisdom gleaned from each particular context to our own modern times. At the end of each chapter, the sections ‘Facing our challenges today’ and ‘Questions to ponder’ provide us with fabulous doses of inspiration and stimulating application for everyday walks with Jesus.
This book is a welcome addition to Christian living discussions, useful for preparing sermons, Bible studies or simply for individual study. Anyone who reads it is sure to be both challenged and blessed by Storkey’s brilliant writing and depth of insight. This is an extraordinarily empowering and encouraging read.