Why God’s preferred pronouns are he/him


The Church of England is considering alternatives to referring to God as “he” after priests asked to be allowed to use gender-neutral terms. Some have said a change in language would make the church more inclusive. But Lois Tverberg disagrees. She argues Christians should embrace the fact that God chose to reveal himself through male images in the Bible

In recent years, some Christians, including my fellow Premier Christianity columnist Chine McDonald, have decided to stop using masculine pronouns (he/him) for God. Now it has emerged the Church of England will consider the issue this spring. 

The Rt Rev Dr Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield said the Church had been “exploring the use of gendered language in relation to God for several years”.

You might think, since I’m a woman, I’d agree with a change in pronouns. But the longer I study the Bible in its original context, the more I find it at its best when we don’t whitewash over words that bother us.