The Unveiling by worship songwriter David Fellingham is a short but sweet look at the book of Revelation. At 165 pages, it’s an accessible dive into this notoriously challenging book of the Bible.
The author begins by explaining his own interpretation of Revelation, which is a combination of GK Beale’s ‘Contemporary Relevance View’ and ‘The Idealist View’. Fellingham describes the combination of these views as ‘The Redemptive Historical Idealist View’. In other words: he believes Revelation contains a symbolic message that serves to prepare the Church for its ongoing battle until Jesus returns. In his view, Revelation is not to be taken as containing predictions of specific future events.
The fact this book is so easy to digest is testament to how Fellingham has taken academic thinking and research and distilled it down, so it can be more widely understood.
The book of Revelation brings up many challenging subjects and questions; how to interpret biblical prophecy, suffering and the end times to name a few. The Unveiling does a wonderful job of making these areas less confusing, and proving to the reader how and why Revelation is helpful for us today.
Anecdotes are scattered throughout, demonstrating how the themes of Revelation have influenced Fellingham’s own life. Ultimately, this is an enjoyable read that will increase your understanding of how Revelation is relevant to us today. The Unveiling is also likely to help you draw closer to God, and that is a fine result for any book.