Journalists, editors and producers from across Premier’s radio, magazine and podcast brands share the most significant, interesting and uplifting stories from the past twelve months
God has good intentions for you
Earlier this year Joni Eareckson Tada told me why she still takes God at his word – almost 60 years after a diving accident left her quadriplegic.
“There are just some things about suffering that surpass our knowledge. We just don’t understand it. It seems absolutely incongruent with a good God. I’m so grateful for Ephesians 3:18-19, which talks about God giving us the strength to comprehend ‘the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.’ So, when there are things about our suffering that we can’t comprehend, we lean on the love of Christ. Jesus died. I mean, he was ripped to shreds, and hung on the cross, like a piece of slaughtered meat left there to drain blood. It was just unthinkable what he went through. And surely, if Christ went through all of that for us, to secure us a home in heaven, and escape from sin, then surely he has good intentions for us in the midst of our suffering?”
I was struck by her joy and peace as she spoke to me – her face radiant, even though she has endured so much. How she has held onto Jesus in suffering is an inspiration to me.
Read the full interview on
Jemimah Wright, deputy editor, Premier Woman Alive magazine
Tackling the tough questions
On Premier Unbelievable? our guests don’t shy away from life’s difficult questions. Often teenagers raise some of the toughest objections to belief in God and it’s been an absolute pleasure to directly engage with numerous young people this year.
At Spring Harvest hundreds of young people brought their questions to a panel of thoughtful Christian apologists who patiently and pastorally answered as many as they could. We covered a huge range of topics including suicide and mental health, homosexuality, other religions, evolution and miracles. We were able to show them that even if some questions remain unanswered, they can be assured God cares about their pain, loves them passionately and holds them in their doubts.
Watch or listen to the special edition of the show from Spring Harvest
Ruth Jackson, presenter for Unbelievable?
It’s never too late for God
“It’s never too late for God.” That’s what 95 year-old Mavis Lindstrom said ahead of her confirmation, which took place in Bradford-On-Avon this past September.
Mavis’ journey to faith was spurred on by the positive witness of Christians around her. She described observing “the light that shone” from these Christian friends, and it caused her to reflect on what she believed herself. Her testimony (just one of thousands that Premier has broadcast in 2024) is an encouragement to each of us to follow Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Read the full story on
Sam Hailes, editor, Premier Christianity magazine
Faith for healing
Kalina was at Dusseldorf station at midnight, having left London at 6.30 am and was longing for sleep. She sensed the Holy Spirit prompt her to talk to a man in a wheelchair begging outside McDonalds. His name was Janush, he was from Poland and had lost his mum and sister. He was experiencing a lot of pain in his leg and had a look of desperation. She asked how bad the pain was on a scale of 1-10 and he said it was 20!
She placed her hand on his right leg and simply asked God to heal him. She felt her hand become warm and he said the pain had completely gone, and suddenly the look of fear was replaced with hope. She explained that God had touched him and put some small change in his cup and left, thrilled that God had prompted her and that she had the courage to respond.
I loved reading how Kalina was open to God, despite being weary. I long to have her courage and openness.
Read the full story on
Andy Peck, ministry communications editor for Premier
Pink Houses
When I first read Matt Roper’s story, my first thought was: How have I not heard about this before?
The scandal of young girls - some as young as eight or nine - being sold for sex alongside Brazil’s longest and busiest highway is heartbreaking.
But while many of us would be paralysed by grief or overwhelmed by the problem, Matt began a small revolution to bring hope and healing - not just to the affected young girls, but to whole communities along the BR-116 highway.
The story of Menindanca’s Pink Houses is one of the most powerful things I’ve read all year. I defy anyone not to be deeply moved by it.
Read the full story on
Emma Fowle, deputy editor, Premier Christianity magazine
Slow down
Sometimes we encounter people who make an impact on us simply because they radiate Jesus.
Fr Emmanuel Mansford, a Franciscan friar (think ‘monk’), is one of those people. He chooses to live simply, giving his time to prayer, serving the poor and drawing others closer to God. When he joined us on the radio earlier this year, all the team involved in the show were captivated by the way he wasn’t caught up in the fast pace of life – even his speech was slow and thoughtful, as if he was really reflecting on every word he uttered.
Listening to him speak was not only a revelation in terms of where we place our value and attachments in life, but also a challenge not to be running through life so quickly that we miss the beauty of God all about us.
Are we called to live simply rather than lavishly? Hear the full interview now on Premier Plus
Maria Rodrigues, programme manager, Premier Christian Radio
Rooting out narcissism
The article ‘How to root out narcissism from our churches’ struck a personal chord with me after some experiences with a narcissistic leader which almost led to me completely leaving my church.
At that time, articles like this did not even exist – the idea that people like this existed was unheard of.
I’m encouraged to see that this not only speaks about it but also highlights what to look out for. Possibly worse than being abused is not actually believing you are being abused, leading to people questioning themselves and second guessing their motives, thoughts and actions.
I recommend bookmarking this article as you may come across someone who may need it some day.
Read the article now on
Uzoma Isichei, studio operations and senior audio producer
Inspiring testimony
Finding moments where gospel meets culture are always encouraging – to know that Jesus is at work in all areas of the world.
This year, Premier Gospel interviewed an artist named Imrhan who was at the centre of music culture in the UK, constantly topping the charts with huge hit singles as part of a music duo called Lotto Boyz.
Despite worldly success, he wasn’t happy. When he attempted to take his own life, God intervened.
The conversation was inspiring and caught the attention of many Christians, including footballers Manny and Leroy Fer and huge music artists such as Sam Tompkins. It was the perfect moment where we saw the intersection of gospel and culture, and were able to create a piece of content that resonated with so many.
Hear the full interview now on Premier Plus
Cassandra Nelson, program manager and presenter, Premier Gospel
Meet the teens who can preach!
Teenagers often get a bad rap, and we are often hearing bad news stories about them. So it was amazing to be encouraged by the quality of content and communicataion we encountered when running the Premier Unbelievable? Young Preacher’s Prize, which gave young people a chance to prepare a talk on a given theme and compete against their peers, with the winners offered a chance to preach to more than 5,000 people.
We loved collaborating with Dr Amy Orr-Ewing as chief judge, and also our friends at Spring Harvest including Dr Cris Roger and Abby Guinness. Our winners this year were 17 year old Jemimah and 13 year old Josh who didn’t leave a dry eye in the house.
Nancy Gifford, director of Unbelievable?
Restoring families
This interview with evangelist and gospel artist Vonte Grace stopped me in my tracks on a Saturday morning. He details how God spoke to him, and saved from a life distributing class A drugs. “It felt like the chains had come off, I was skipping home and I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom,” he says of the moment after God convicted him. As he then detailed how God healed his relationship with his father, I thought, Wow! Look at how God works to restore families.
Hear the full interview now on Premier Plus
Charmaine Noble-McLean, director of content, Premier Praise
Can church liturgy combat OCD?
In this conversation, author Sarah Clarkson, artist Sophie Killingley, and Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya chat to Esther Higham about living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), why evangelical preacher John MacArthur’s comments that OCD “doesn’t exist” were “pastorally dangerous”, and how church liturgy can help combat compulsive behaviours.
Hear the conversation in full on Premier Plus
Max Avard, producer, Premier Christian Radio
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