The principle of representing the Bible’s wealth of information in graphic form is a noble one. But it’s already been done.
The Infographic Bible: Visualising the drama of God’s word (William Collins) was rightly hailed as “innovative” when it was released in 2018. It’s one of the best coffee table books you’re likely to encounter, representing biblical information in creative ways.
By comparison, this title is a huge disappointment. While the book is aimed at adults, the designs look childish. But the most fundamental problem is that while information is laid out in a spacious fashion, employing tables, bullet points, timelines, illustrations and maps, there aren’t any actual infographics.
To be fair, the term ‘infographic’ is a relatively new one. Perhaps its definition is still disputed. But place The Infographic Bible next to this supposedly ‘ultimate’ version, and the winner will be obvious.

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