Alvin Davies describes his eight-week daily reading plan as “Biblical wisdom for racers, speed-junkies, grease monkeys and pilgrims in a fast world”. The title of the book is taken from 2 Kings 9:20: “The driving is like that of Jehu son of Nimshi – he drives like a maniac.”
Aimed at those who love motorsport, the author uses plenty of anecdotes from the world of racing cars. This is interweaved with quotations from respected preachers and theologians, with each devotional containing a large amount of biblical content.
The daily studies are well written and you can tell there has been a huge amount of background research. Each entry is accompanied by relevant quotations and examples relating to the topic being explored.
Each devotional may only take ten minutes to read, but the quality of the ideas is profound. Davies’ writing is poetic in places and raw in others, making you want to pause and reflect.
Fans of motor-racing will love this book, but it should reach others too. As well as a great individual resource, it would also work well as a group study.

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