This book does what is says on the tin: it tells stories of the ministry and experiences of Street Pastors. Written in a clear, simple style the book gives insights into the kinds of situations the volunteers encounter and how they see God at work through their calm, caring presence.
Street Pastors was founded in 2003. Nearly two decades on, there are 270 groups of volunteers who head out onto the streets, usually at night, to help anyone in need.
For most of the past year there hasn’t been a ‘night-time economy’ for them to minister to. Some groups paused their work completely during the first lockdown, then began patrolling in the daytime instead, serving those who were struggling with anxiety and other difficulties related to the pandemic.
In some ways the book reads like an extended annual report or funding pitch (though not in the formal language that those terms might imply). If you are wondering whether your church could get involved in such an initiative this book provides an engaging, easy-to-read idea of what is involved.