Despite hosting a show on the topic, I find most leadership books dull. But this one won me over.
Justyn Terry believes we can see leadership as five overlapping phases: Establish trust; cultivate leaders; discern vision; implement plans; transition out. These lessons have been learned from his time as a vicar at St Helen’s Church, North Kensington and, latterly, as vice-principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.
What kept this from being yet more leadership theory were the plentiful examples drawn from his work, and his critique of well-known leadership approaches.
His attention to detail is helpful as he explains how to develop vision, the real practice of implementing plans and interviewing someone for a role. This is not a book that leaves you thinking: “Yes, but how?” Even if you don’t think you would do the same, it’s wonderfully earthed in the kind of challenges that leaders face.
He has clearly touched base with many of the best books in the field of leadership and management, but you sense that all is filtered through Bible and theology: eg. SMART goals are good but can be a snare especially in a corporate (church) context and need to be allied with continual prayerful assessment of strategy.
All leaders would benefit but especially those starting out. The questions at the end of each chapter make it a valuable tool if read together as a leadership team and if you are looking for a title for your next retreat look no further