Faithful is a beautiful collection brought to life by an unlikely group of artists, musicians and authors who studied the Bible together and shared their stories.
Created by women who have experienced God’s grace in joy and suffering, each chapter unwraps a biblical account of women who acted in faith. With reverence, the authors share the timeless truths they’ve learned by studying the lives of biblical characters such as Rahab, Naomi, Esther and Miriam.
Ann Voskamp describes how she exercises her “thankfulness muscle” daily and encourages the reader: “The most important way to prepare for a crisis is to be prepared to give thanks.” Ann revels in what the tale of the Red Sea crossing taught her about Miriam and her tambourine; she was ready to rejoice in all circumstances. Lisa Harper shares a crucial lesson from the story of the bent woman in Luke 13: “Hiding our frailty from the Creator of the universe is not part of our job description!”
Each chapter corresponds to a track on the Faithful album (sold separately), portraying the biblical character through song. This unique collaboration is an expression of worship, thought and story that is unlike any other. Stories of healing, heartache in tragedy and poignant memories of God’s faithfulness provide a reminder that in the mundane moments, God is working behind the scenes. Even the smallest of actions can have ripple effects that change lives.