In 2005, Charlotte Gambill heard these words from God during a Christian conference: “The girl at the back of the auditorium in an orange sweater and jeans is to do with your future.”
Dare to Be is the story of how Charlotte and Natalie met, became friends and eventually started a ministry together.
The title suggests this might be one of those ‘follow your dreams and you can be anything you want to be’ kind of books. Self-help with a veneer of Christian-ese. But in reality, Dare to Be is God-centred and references around 30 biblical examples – from Noah to Naaman, Mary to Mephibosheth, and Joshua to Jesus – to illustrate important and helpful principles in responding to God’s invitation.
Importantly, in almost all the biblical examples, as well as in Charlotte and Natalie’s story, God was the clear instigator. This isn’t a book about how to get God to help you follow your own dreams. It is about inspiring those who have a sense of God’s calling to find the courage to say: “Yes!” And it is about equipping those who are following paths they never expected with tools, tips and encouragements for the journey. If that’s you, this book will be an excellent companion.