The Agapé UK team share their favourite worship songs written and sung in Hebrew, Spanish, English and more

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Being in a room full of people worshipping God in their heart languages is an incredible experience. It’s a glorious advertisement for the power of God to unite his diverse body in literal harmony. And we know from Revelation 7 that this is God’s plan for our future – on a scale never before seen or heard!  

In this digital age, we have access to the incredible diversity of musical worship representing so many peoples and languages, with their own musical instruments, beats, styles and flavours. God’s people are making a joyful noise across this earth, and we can be part of the audience at the click of a button. With that in mind, the community of Agapé UK were polled for their favourite Christian songs in various languages. Here are some highlights.

‘Adbuthakaruda (Miracle worker)’ (in Telugu) - Nations of Worship

What better advertisement for the global body of Christ than this version of ‘Way maker’? Sung in Telugu it has been produced in a musical style that combines Western and Indian traditions. It has helped me connect my son with our Indian roots and find beauty in our culture. (Jude, Agapé UK staff.)

‘Que lo que’ (in Spanglish) - Social Club Misfits

Both artists in the hip-hop duo Social Club Misfits were raised in bilingual homes in Miami, Florida and the mixture of Spanish and English in this song captures the spirit of that upbringing. I like Christian songs with a lot of joy and a bit of grit that slot effortlessly into real life. This one fits the bill perfectly. (Brianna, Agapé UK staff.)

‘Bamidbar (In the desert)’ (in Hebrew) - SOLU Israel

There’s great comfort for Israel in this song, about a future and a hope but, more than that, the word mesilah (the Hebrew word for ‘highway’) is drawn from Isaiah 19, which is all about God’s peace plan for the Middle East. The end of Isaiah 19 speaks about a time when Egypt, Israel and Assyria will all worship together. By clearing out the obstacles to make way for the mesilah we are clearing the way to bring good news and hope to Israel and the nations.  (Jane, Agapé UK staff.)

‘Broken’ (in Hausa and English) - Kaestrings

This song is a great listen any time of the day; however, it really hits in those moments where you’re feeling distant from God. This song draws me back to that presence. Even though I don’t understand the language in the main section of the song I know exactly what the singer means and I believe God does too. (Aondodoo, a student leader in the Agapé UK movement.)

Listen to the full playlist from Agape UK here