
In our fast-moving, visual world, with countless organisations vying for our attention, the question of how we ensure our churches are noticed has become more and more important.

In this reissued and updated book, journalist and communicator Neil Pugmire brings together 100 diverse ideas, including developing an online presence, cleaning up a community area and holding a sports day for local families.

Pugmire begins with Jesus’ ministry, explaining how Christ knew his message, knew his audience and how he used stories and images to communicate effectively. He then calls on churches to make greater use of symbols, images, stories and digital communication as we seek to break through to an indifferent, distracted world.

To that end, he offers much-needed advice on how a church can develop its communications strategy – from its website and social media to leaflets, the outside noticeboard and how to win coverage in the local press. The book also examines key lessons from the Covid-19 national lockdowns, including the importance of livestreaming, community WhatsApp groups and social media as a means of bringing people together in a digital space.

The author points out that 70 per cent of people are “browsers”, meaning they scroll through social media or scan the pages of a magazine. Their attention spans are short, unless you can communicate in a way that breaks through or deeply engages the person. 

So, unless you’re among the 15 per cent who are comfortable absorbing paragraphs of type (and many church leaders are), you may never read this book’s 200-plus pages of sound communications advice. No matter. Dip in and discover an idea that works for you, then dip in and find another. 

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