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For all his qualifications, Dr Halsted appears to have taken leave of his senses – as perhaps Premier Christianity has in publishing the article.

Just one example – he doesn't try & explain how people could effectively research the demonic, which is obviously in the spiritual realm, when we are limited as physical beings. How do we discern the true from the false?
Spiritual dabbling is forbidden for that very reason – people have been exploring the falsely spiritual for ages past and have just ended up being deceived, if we take the Bible as God's certain truth.
Just consider all the false religions that have been spawned over the years.

The other consideration is the vast distances of space that make travel impossible. The nearest potentially inhabitable star system is Proxima Centauri, some 4.24 light years away. Since, according to Einstein, travel at the speed of light is impossible, due to the infinite energy required, such distances are improbable, even if Alpha Centauri was a possible candidate.

The fastest spacecraft ever launched – the Parker Solar Probe – travels at approx 430,000 mph, and even that would take tens of thousands of years.

This is a wasted article given all the current problems facing humanity, which ARE within reach, and does nothing to help address them.

Premier Christianity magazine is in danger of sinking into the pointlessly sensational, not only on this, but on several other recent articles.

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