All Regular Columnists articles – Page 15
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Unhappy Campers
God is a camper. And I am not. I’ve tried the outdoorsy life, lured by the gentle pitter-patter of rain on canvas, late night chatter around a roaring campfire, and the cocooning warmth of a sleeping bag.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: The Cactus Stalkers
Staying overnight at a bed and breakfast this week, we found the bed to be comfortable, but the breakfast not quite so. We began the day seated around a large kitchen table shared with the other guests, which included a couple of enthusiastic evangelists. Their passion was unswerving, and unnerving with it. With no idea that we were believers, their eyes glowed with joy as they breathlessly chattered away about their vital mission.
Regular Columnists
Long Distance Commuter
Known nationwide for his winsome, insightful application of Christian truth from the platform and in print, Jeff Lucas divides his time between the USA and the UK. Andy Peck asks him about his call to the US, unusual insights on church growth in a charismatic seeker-friendly church and an extraordinary build-up of frequent flyer miles.
Regular Columnists
Where Do You Live: Shame City Or Grace Land?
Many believers are crippled by guilt and shame – why? Don’t swallow Satan's lies, writes Jeff Lucas, instead accept God's free gifts of grace and forgiveness.
Regular Columnists
Getting Rid of Religion: Part One
Jeff Lucas calls on us to avoid religious Christianity that is loud, legalistic and critical of others. In the first of a two-part article based on some sessions from last year's Spring Harvest he identifies symptoms of 'mere religion'.
Regular Columnists
10 Myths About Prayer: Part One
No one doubts its importance but few feel especially competent. In a two part series reflecting on his own struggles with prayer, Jeff Lucas looks at five myths that can hinder our prayer life.
Regular Columnists
10 Myths About Prayer: Part Two
Jeff Lucas is a well-known speaker and author, and part of the Spring Harvest Leadership Team.