By Emma Fowle2021-12-01T14:31:00
Despite having pre-pandemic congregations of less than 90, two churches in Wales recently held a bumper confirmation service that saw 59 people welcomed into their church family in one day
2025-02-17T13:54:00Z By Mike Wallbridge
A whirlwind of loss and lament was set in motion the day Mike Wallbridge’s then-wife left him for his best friend. But it was also the day that God’s transformative work in his life began. Although Mike was initially resistant to God’s calls to come home, God’s persistence proved greater
2025-02-03T12:03:00Z By Andy Frost
The world desperately needs to hear about the hope of Jesus, says Andy Frost. But when we’re told there’s only one way to evangelise, it can be scary and offputting. Here’s how to understand your natural faith-sharing profile, and get some great tips on telling your friends about God in a way that doesn’t seem weird
2025-01-27T12:09:00Z By Tony Cummings
Abandoned as a baby and raised in an orphanage, Lucian Mustata is now a successful entrepreneur and founder of Eastern Europe’s largest Christian music festival. Lucian is carrying a vision to see 1 million lives transformed. Tony Cummings met him
2025-02-27T11:07:00Z By Rich Crocombe
Rev David Hazeldine surprised medics by making a near-full recovery from locked-in syndrome. The experience revolutionised his understanding of God’s mercy
2025-02-25T09:34:00Z By Jessica Stark
When The Times run an article about Gen Z coming back to Christian faith, you know something must be going on. It is, says Premier’s Jess Stark. It’s the beautiful witness of a generation of young people living in radical holiness
2025-02-24T10:10:00Z By Yurii Petrenko
Three years on from Russia’s invasion, the Ukrainian people have not given up hope. Instead, they will be praying for peace today, and are asking Christians everywhere to join them
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