By Mary Deller2022-03-02T12:34:00
When Michael did not come home from school one day, little did his mum suspect that her son, a polite, well-behaved teen who attended church regularly, had been recruited by a county lines drugs gang. It was the start of an eight week nightmare with devastating consequences
2022-06-16T15:39:00Z By Ruth Barber
The freedom of parents to choose how their children are educated is under threat, says Ruth Barber
2022-03-31T08:14:00Z By Paul Kerensa
In a world of increasingly polarised views, teaching RE well has many benefits. Yet it has been removed from school performance measures, received no government funding for five years and despite recruitment targets being missed, training bursaries for RE teachers have been scrapped. Paul Kerensa went to parliament to make his case
Don't miss The Tattooed Saint's amazing testimony
2025-02-27T11:07:00Z By Rich Crocombe
Rev David Hazeldine surprised medics by making a near-full recovery from locked-in syndrome. The experience revolutionised his understanding of God’s mercy
2025-02-25T09:34:00Z By Jessica Stark
When The Times run an article about Gen Z coming back to Christian faith, you know something must be going on. It is, says Premier’s Jess Stark. It’s the beautiful witness of a generation of young people living in radical holiness
2025-02-24T10:10:00Z By Yurii Petrenko
Three years on from Russia’s invasion, the Ukrainian people have not given up hope. Instead, they will be praying for peace today, and are asking Christians everywhere to join them
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