Ghazal is an Iranian convert to Christianity who recently received her ‘leave to remain’ from the Home Office. She explains why thousands of Iranians like her are turning to Christ
I’m an Iranian-Christian who was saved by the love of Christ and was born again to a new life. I am speaking on behalf of millions of Iranians who live in the Islamic Republic or elsewhere, whose lives have been touched by Christ.
Iranians lived for many centuries suppressed and unable to decide for themselves what to believe. But there comes a time when suppression, violence and hypocrisy doesn’t work anymore. New generations of Iranians are thirsty for the truth and they are seeking it.
Thanks to technology and people who put their lives in danger to spread the truth of the Bible and the love of God for us, the people of Iran are learning the promises of our true God.
In Matthew 7:7 we read, “Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find.” This is exactly what is happening now, and it is magnificent. Iranians are seeking the truth; they are looking for it, asking for it and God is showing them his true profound love.
The Iranian people had been supressed by Islam for many generations. We absolutely cannot accept it as holy or godly because we see a lot of examples in the Islamic holy book where it contradicts itself. Islam breaches women’s rights and human rights, and in Iran it was imposed on us by violence.
It is thought that the number of Christians in Iran is now approaching 1 million. There’s an explosive growth in underground churches. This is all God’s work. Our Lord Jesus gave his life for every single one of us, so we can be one family and make the good news known to people who have lived under lies, fears and punishment.
We need to keep in mind just how hard it is to practice your faith in a country like Iran where every authority is out to get you and harm your loved ones if you believe anything other than what they try to put in your head.
In the UK, I can freely go outside and shout ‘I love Jesus’ and no one is going to arrest me or torture me
Churches are our families outside Iran. We can truly experience a Christian life here. In the UK, I can freely go outside and shout ‘I love Jesus’ and no one is going to arrest me or torture me, for it is a country that tolerates the Christian faith. I can pray, I can sing to God, whereas in Iran I have to hide and I have to live in fear because someone might harm my family because of my faith.
I believe Iranians have opened their hearts and soul to receive the gift of eternal life and no one can stop this great work, the work of the Holy Spirit. No one can accuse them of being insincere because only God knows what is inside our hearts and God will keep working in our lives until we are free from illusions and fears.
I am praying that churches in Iran will continue to rapidly multiply and mature, despite the horrendous persecutions against non-Muslims in the country. I am praying the Iranian authorities will receive the love of Christ. Nothing would be more beautiful than for us to be able to sing, pray and have fellowship in our own land. Will you join me in praying for that to happen?