Alex Bowler gave his life to Christ at a Billy Graham rally in 1989. Now, he’s planning a twelve-week mission to London that begins in Harringay, where Dr Graham’s historic 1954 crusade started 70 years ago. Here’s how you can get involved

Billy Graham in Trafalgar Square, London, 1954

Source: Alamy

Rev Dr Billy Graham speaks to crowds in Trafalgar Square, London in 1954

In 1954, Billy Graham kicked off his London crusade at Harringay Arena. It lasted for twelve weeks and was attended by more than one million people, culminating in an event at Wembley Stadium which drew a crowd of more than 100,000 people.

This mission affected not only London but the whole country – and I believe the time is right for another such mission. Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me as I travelled on the London Underground and gave me a vision for another twelve-week mission in London. The Hope for London vision was birthed.

Called to action

I received the call to preach the gospel of Christ on the day that I came to him for salvation. It was the summer of 1989 at Billy Graham’s Life mission to London, at Crystal Palace athletics stadium.

Multitudes are lost, without hope, searching for the answers

As I stood in front of the platform, I watched as Dr Graham scanned the crowd. Suddenly, something amazing happened. Billy Graham looked at me and God spoke into my heart. He told me that I was to do the same work, for his glory! At the end of the meeting, I stood staring at the podium as the sun was setting and prayed: “Lord, please use me in that way.”

Over the years, I have had the joy of undertaking large-scale missions in Africa, seeing thousands of people responding to the call for salvation in Christ. Now, I believe that the time is right to hold another great mission here, in England.

Multitudes are lost, without hope, searching for the answers to life’s most important questions. As Christians, we have the answer, and his name is Jesus!

A new vision

My great friend, Steve Mullins, passed away in 2023. He was a great evangelist and always encouraged me in the Hope for London vision. It was at the service of remembrance for Steve’s life that the Lord spoke to my heart and told me that it was time to step out in faith to see this vision come to pass.

At that service, I met Alex Afriyie, pastor of London Network Church and London team leader for The Turning, a network dedicated to equipping churches and leaders with the tools to share the gospel. He invited me to share my vision with a few key Christians leaders involved in the ministries of prayer, evangelism and music.

One of these leaders was musician and worship leader Noel Robinson, who has agreed to take part in the mission we are believing that God will bring to pass in his perfect time.

Praying for more

Our first event, which will be preceded by street outreach, is due to be held at Harringay United Church-Baptist on July 20 at 7pm - just down the road from where Billy Graham held his London Crusade 70 years ago!

From there, we are seeking to hold events in boroughs across London. Perhaps your church might like to help put on an event? Or you might like to set up a Hope for London prayer group in your church or get involved in the street outreaches. If so, please contact our events coordinator via our website, to see how you could get involved. 

The time is right to hold another great mission here in England

The key to success is, of course, prayer. Please pray for the lost, and for us as we seek to win multitudes of precious souls for Jesus. And please also pray about who you could invite to a Hope for London event.

In whatever ways we can, let’s all step out in faith to see a great revival come to our capital city and our nation, and for multitudes to come to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance, believing in him as their risen saviour and confessing him as Lord.

With God nothing shall be impossible. It’s his gospel we are preaching, and it is glorious!

Find out more about Hope for London