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World Hunger Day on 28 May aims to motivate each of us to play our part in bringing an end to world hunger. We invite you to join with us in prayer, for Haiti as a focus country as they face a time of crisis, and for the wider world.

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We all know it’s so important to contribute our time and our finances – the blessings God has given us - to alleviate the suffering of others. We also firmly believe in the power of prayer. As the psalmist writes in Psalm 62, “Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love.” Ultimately, it’s God who will change people’s hearts and give those in authority and positions of power the wisdom and desire to act justly, create fairer systems and ensure we can have more stable food supplies for everyone.

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With reports that nearly half of Haiti’s population, including three million children, require humanitarian aid, and with persistent gang violence hindering the delivery of assistance (UNICEF), the situation facing Haiti is both bleak and worsening. Some are now on the verge of famine.

We must cry out in prayer with our brothers and sisters living in Haiti.

Almighty and most gracious God,

We cry out to you for the needs of Haiti. We pray that order can be restored. Please bring your peace and healing to this nation, which has suffered so much injustice.

We pray particularly for the vulnerable - for pregnant women, children, the elderly and infirm. Lord, please protect them. Please give them access to all the care and provisions they need. Help them know your love and comfort.

We pray that the violence will end and that your light of love will shine. We pray for all the peacemakers in this nation; give them wisdom and courage. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Praying for an end to world hunger

The global food crisis continues. Ongoing conflicts drive up food prices. This, along with inflation and crops failing due to climate change, means there are chronic food shortages. But it’s the poorest communities who suffer most.

The UN says that the world is back to hunger levels that haven’t been seen since 2005.

It can seem very hopeless when confronted with the reality of hunger levels. But we can all do something. We can give our time, finances and/or prayer life to effect change.

We’ve collected resources to help you go deeper into prayer, including a free to download three-day devotional guide.

Pray with us now

More ways to respond

Amid this growing global food crisis, Compassion’s 8,600 local church partners across 29 countries already serve some of the most vulnerable children and families.

One of the best ways you can come alongside children and families in need, is to sponsor a child. Countries such as Haiti, Sri Lanka, Ghana and Burkina Faso are experiencing acute food insecurity.

Provide a child with life-changing support, including nutritious food, access to education, health checks and the care of the local church – supporting them with immediate needs, and releasing them from poverty for good.

Sponsor a child with Compassion today.