As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to rage, Jerusalem-based church leader Rev Aaron Eime invites you to join him in prayer for the protection of innocent Israelis and Palestinians, and that the Prince of Peace would have his way in the Holy Land this Christmas
Almighty God, our Father and King, whose love for the descendants of Jacob is everlasting, and whose covenant bond irrevocable; pour out upon the leaders of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and all the nations of the world the spirit of wisdom and grace. Grant them mercy and strength to act justly with righteousness to bring all peoples the blessing of hope.
Lead us through these parched and difficult days to the refreshing springs of the joy and comfort that we find in Jesus the Messiah, our Lord.
As we journey towards the Christmas Light that came into the world to defeat death and bring life in abundance, continue to illuminate these dark days, to bring comfort for the fallen, the lonely, the bereaved and the injured, and to all your children, both Palestinian and Israeli alike.
Father, your Son was sent to set the captives free. The kingdom of Messiah will also cause wars to cease and violence to be ended. May you cause hostages to be released as we look to the day when every tear will be removed from eyes; when death, pain, mourning and crying will be no more.
O Lord of hosts, we pray for the Jewish people worldwide for protection and security against a rising tide of antisemitism; be their shield and defender, their rock and their fortress.
Lord, remember your holy covenant, the promise you made to Abraham to rescue your people from the hand of their enemies. Empower them to serve you without fear in holiness and righteousness.
Guide them in ways of peace and the establishment of holiness in the Holy Land.
We pray now, O Lord, the Eternal One, through Jesus, the Messiah, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, the light of the nations and the glory of Israel. Amen.
Click here for up to date news and analysis on the conflict from a Christian perspective.

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