All Prayer articles – Page 3
Magazine Features
Restoring the age-old ministry of spoken blessing
When we speak blessing over people, communities and places, we are agreeing with God for his kingdom to come there. It’s different from praying, and can often be the key to unlocking salvation, healing and the miraculous, says Roy Godwin
Regular Columnists
Those awkward moments where we say ‘I’ll pray for you’ … and then don’t
We’ve all made this mistake…but in 2024 let’s pledge to do better, says Jeff Lucas
A year with Michael Green - Stephen Poxon
This daily devotional draws on a variety of the 70 books written by the late Rev Michael Green, apologist and Anglican priest, with each page presenting a Bible passage, quote and concluding prayer. Stephen Poxon acknowledges that his book is intended to act as a Holy Spirit-led ...
Regular Columnists
I worry my best songs are behind me
What are the fears that wake you up at 3am? Your credit card bill? A relative’s medical situation? The pressure of an upcoming work meeting? I’ll let you into my secret fear. As we enter 2024, my fear is that my best days are behind me. My ...
‘I went on a 30-day Jesus quest!’
Born into a Sikh family, Mindy Tagliente’s spiritual curiosity led her to experiment with new-age practices and eventually become a yoga instructor. But when her friend challenged her to pray, it led to an encounter with Jesus that changed everything
Regular Columnists
Falling in love with the Bible again
God speaks to us and to every situation through the Bible, says Chine McDonald
Regular Columnists
When preachers get it wrong
Jeff Lucas on having to apologise for a thoughtless comment made while in the pulpit
Russell Watson: ‘My friend and I text Bible verses to each other every Sunday’
The world-renowned tenor explains how a near-death experience led him to faith, and why he’ll never tire of bringing joy to others through his music
Real Life
‘It was the most afraid I’ve ever been’
When two growths were found on his brain, Andy Percey’s future became uncertain. But God brought the Baptist minister through, and the giant of fear was conquered
Magazine Features
Israel and Gaza: A prayer for peace
As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to rage, Jerusalem-based church leader Rev Aaron Eime invites you to join him in prayer for the protection of innocent Israelis and Palestinians, and that the Prince of Peace would have his way in the Holy Land this Christmas
Regular Columnists
Is the Prince of Persia causing chaos in Gaza?
Christians around the world are praying fervently for peace in the Middle East, yet the fighting continues. Are our prayers being hindered? A peculiar story from the Old Testament may help us understand what’s going on, says David Instone-Brewer
If Christians want to be understood, they must work with the media, not against it
Ahead of the National Day of Prayer for the Media, journalist Ali Burnett says it’s time for the Church to stop being frightened of engaging with the mainstream press
5 ways to pray for Israel and Gaza
Here’s how Christians can use the scriptures to pray for people on all sides of this conflict
News Analysis
What’s happening in Israel and Gaza, and how should Christians pray?
The murder and kidnappings of civilians by the terrorist group Hamas have been described as “Israel’s 9/11”. Journalist Gavin Drake is a frequent visitor to Israel and Gaza. He explains what has taken place, what might happen next, and how Christians should be praying
Born free - Katharine Hill
Few of us would say that we strike the right balance when it comes to daily rhythms of work and rest, the result being that we allow the hurried pace of life to drown out the voice of God. For many, the pandemic provided time for introspection ...
Magazine Features
The power of forgiveness
Letting go of past hurts can be one of the hardest decisions you ever make. But it’s always worth it, says Claire Musters
Regular Columnists
Misunderstanding Mary and Martha
Dr Lucy Peppiatt takes a look at common interpretations of the encounter between Jesus, Mary and Martha and finds them wanting
Saturated with God - Malcolm Macdonald
You may think a book about revival is for a certain calibre of Christian. That’s not the case. This book is for every believer and, after reading it, you will feel that you have been fed an extraordinary meal. Malcolm Macdonald challenges us to consider how thirsty ...
Why less means more - Cathy Madavan
Sometimes the title of a book or the chapter headings alone grab your attention. As a reader, you instinctively know: This book will do you good. Cathy Madavan does not disappoint with her latest title. Less complexity, more clarity. Less pace, more space. Less random, more rhythm. ...
Transforming Love - Amy Boucher Pye
Martha and Mary are often used to represent action or contemplation, while their brother, Lazarus, appears in one of Jesus’ most spectacular miracles. But by reducing the family to stereotypes, we miss so much argues Amy Boucher Pye in Transforming Love, which sees her bring a new ...