Why the Church is failing the poor

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At the most recent CofE synod, there was overwhelming support for evangelism and church presence on housing estates. Tackling injustice in this area is key to church growth, says Rt Rev Rob Wickham

For the past six months, as part of my role as CEO of the Church Urban Fund, I have been out and about around the country. I’ve visited projects and, importantly, sat at the feet of many who experience poverty on a daily basis, whose lived experience is very different to mine. 

The gospel imperative for working among the poorest in society is obvious. In John’s Gospel alone, God pitches his tent among us, raises Lazarus (who has no voice and never speaks) from the dead, and tells Peter to feed my lambs (lambs being the most marginalised and vulnerable animals).

This work is not optional. Time and again, scripture speaks of how material and relational wealth need to be shared, as all are a gift of God in creation.