By Tim Farron MP2021-12-13T11:25:00
There’s nothing comfortable about the Christmas story, or accepting our own need for forgiveness and grace. But it’s still the best gift we’ll ever receive, says Tim Farron
2025-03-12T15:38:00Z By Tim Farron MP
Five years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, Tim Farron MP celebrates how the Church stepped up to serve when it mattered the most. The hope of the gospel continues to light the darkness, he says
2025-03-04T14:15:00Z By Emma Gyasi
Grammy award-winning British actor, Cynthia Erivo, will become the first woman to play Jesus in a major production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Emma Gyasi says those criticising the decision shouldn’t judge what they haven’t seen
2025-03-04T14:14:00Z By Kate Orson
Grammy award-winning British actor, Cynthia Erivo, will become the first woman to play Jesus in a major production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Kate Orson says the decision is blasphemous, but Christians should take care in expressing themselves
2025-03-13T17:20:00Z By Symon Hill
Symon Hill has been compensated £2,500 by police after he was arrested for voicing the opinion there is no king but Jesus. Free speech is under attack from both policy and culture, says Hill, and it’s time for Christians to push back
2025-03-12T13:56:00Z By Dr David Landrum
Western societies are drifting further from their Christian roots. It can no longer be ‘business as usual’ for the Church, says Dr David Landrum. He’s urging Christians to be braver, more counter-cultural, witnesses for Jesus
2025-03-07T16:34:00Z By Bernard Randall
After winning his appeal this week, Rev Bernard Randall says his ongoing fight for freedom of speech and religious belief is not exclusive to him, but has major implications for all Christians
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