Audiences are packing out arenas across the UK for the Strictly Come Dancing tour, with winners, Rose and Giovanni, still capturing the hearts of the nation. Harriet Roberts looks at what lessons Christians can learn from Rose’s example as Strictly’s first deaf contestant
Heat magazine voted Rose and Gio’s couple’s choice dance, in week eight of this year’s Strictly Come Dancing competition, their ‘Unmissable TV Moment’ of 2021. Dancing to Clean Bandit’s ‘Symphony’, the sound dramatically cut out in the middle of the song, leaving Rose and Giovanni dancing in complete silence (see below video). Momentarily, we entered into Rose’s world, and saw a glimpse of her inner strength, a stillness and solitude deep within. Rose’s openness gave us a deeper understanding of her own courage and her deep trust in her dance partner.
Just as Rose raised the profile of deaf people, we can change how people view Christians
Non-verbal communication can often be the most powerful way of sharing our Christian faith. Like Rose, we can demonstrate our confidence in God in the way we face challenges. We can show bravery, courage and joy; and demonstrate the power of a great partnership as we point to our faith in God, and how the Holy Spirit protects, directs and works in our lives.
Amazing faith
But the couple’s choice routine was not the only heart stopping TV moment in Rose’s Strictly journey. There was an amazing leap of faith in week eleven of the competition when, during their American Smooth routine, Rose seemed to jump through the air, suspended, it seemed, before being caught by Giovanni. As he lifted and spun her, I was reminded that we, too, must sometimes relinquish our need to be in control. On occasions, as led by the Holy Spirit – often that still, small voice within us that speaks through the silence – we must risk falling from great heights. Like Peter walking on the water when Jesus called to him, one of the best way we can share our faith is to demonstrate what we believe by staying positive in the face of our biggest challenges. Peter kept walking on the water while he kept his focus on Christ but, once he focussed on the storm, he began to sink. In a middle of a crisis we must also seek to fix out eyes on Jesus, and trust him to catch us when we take that leap of faith.
The fruit of joy
Closing our ears to distractions and conquering our fears, we can be a role model to others. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We can be filled with positivity and authentically communicate all that living in Christ offers. Just as Rose raised the profile of deaf people, we can change how people view Christians.
Non-verbal communication can often be the most powerful way of sharing our Christian faith
In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are challenged to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Life is not about dodging the storms but learning how to dance in the rain. By allowing ourselves to be led by God, and showing others how to lean into him, we can demonstrate what we have learned from our teacher in the way we face life’s challenges. By focussing on our faith and listening to his every word, we can master the storms within, overcome our fears and use that power to share our story with others.