It isn’t money that this unique project is short of. It’s your story of God at work. The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer founder Richard Gamble explains how you can help share a million testimonies of God’s goodness 

Eternal wall

Twenty years ago, I walked 70 miles across Leicestershire with a cross, just to get people thinking about Jesus during Easter instead of chocolates and bunnies.

As I was walking, I prayed: “God, what do you want me to do next?” A vision flashed through my head. I went home and said to my wife: “I think we’re going to build a national landmark.”

The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is that landmark. Opening in 2027, it will be the largest symbol of hope in the world and will host an interactive collection of stories that are a testament to God’s faithfulness. It will be constructed of one million bricks, each one linked to an answered prayer.

A monument of hope

At 51 meters, the giant white infinity loop twists into the sky. Far taller than Christ the Redeemer, the statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, you will be able to see it from about six miles away. Two motorways – the M6 and M42 – pass either side of it. HS2 is being built a few hundred meters away and, as you take off and land from Birmingham Airport, you can see on the right hand side. It’s incredible how God has positioned it.

If you pray to Jesus, why not just tell us what he’s done?

Approximately 30 million people google ‘Christ the Redeemer’ every year but, interestingly, you don’t find out much about Jesus from the search results. We believe that the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is a great way to reach hundreds of thousands of people every day. They’ll see it and ask: What’s that? And when they look it up on the internet, they’ll find stories of hope, of Christians who have prayed to Jesus - some before they knew who he really was - and how he answered them.

Can you imagine 30 million people googling the eternal wall, and finding a database of a million stories of God at work? Then, of course, the question is: Can one million people be wrong? Whatever storm of life you’re going through - whether you’re in Rio or Prague or wherever in the world - you’ll be able to find stories of people who’ve been in the same position and have called on Jesus.

Speak out

But this is the interesting thing. We are finding it harder to get stories of answered prayer than we are finance. The Bible says, “they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11, NKJV). It doesn’t say that they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and their donations!

This is the real struggle! We’re two years away from opening and we currently have 41,164 answered prayers recorded. We want to have 200,000 by the time we open. We don’t want a million, because we want to show that Jesus is alive, and this is growing over time.

Hundreds of thousands of people will see it every day and ask: What’s that?

If you pray to Jesus, why not just tell us what he’s done? We don’t just want the wild stories, but also stories that have maybe taken decades for Jesus to answer. This is not just about a supermarket God who answers us with exactly what we ask for, when we ask for it. We’re trying to portray how Jesus, through relationship, helps us throughout our lives and through everything we go through.

The coming revival

It has been hard work to turn the little thought that I had, while walking across Leicestershire with a big cross, into reality. We had a lot of hoops to jump through. But we’re doing something that’s really magnificent, and we hope that it’ll have a major impact on the nation. We’re already hearing murmurings of revival across the UK, and I believe that this will be a spoke in the wheel.

If you want to get involved – either by volunteering, donating or, most importantly, sharing your answered prayers – head to You can submit written prayers or share them via video or audio. Your story could be a beacon of hope to somebody long after you’ve left the planet. In hundreds of years’ time, people may read the story of what Jesus has done in your life and find the one who answers prayers for themselves.

Richard Gamble was speaking to Premier’s Mal Pope. Listen to the full interview on Premier Christian Radio