The evidence is clear - unborn children feel pain during late abortions


Pain relief is not consistently administered to unborn children during late abortions, says James Evans. It’s a subject which has gripped the Christian science teacher, and taken him on an unexpected campaigning journey

It was June 2017. The sun was shining and I was driving to work. The day before, in my role as a science teacher, I was building a resource on reproduction and, while searching for images had stumbled upon a diagram showing a surgical abortion. At the time, abortion was pretty much an alien concept to me. Struck by the image, as I drove, I prayed for the first time for these little ones. Within moments I was crying, filled with a feeling of love and rage. I heard the words: “Let My people go”. Later that summer, I was sat in Portcullis House discussing the feasibility of a non-governmental inquiry into fetal pain. God had moved.

Following a trail of breadcrumbs since then, I have inadvertently become a researcher in my spare time, and am now co-ordinator for the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group’s Inquiry into Fetal Pain. This year, I sent out freedom of information (FOI) requests to every NHS Trust asking about their use of fetal painkillers prior to late abortions.