Ahead of World Homeless Day (10 October), Beccy Riley explains why she believes that change is possible with the help of God

Matthew Victory Outreach

Do you believe the Church can solve even the most daunting problems? I do. 

Homelessness is a crisis that envelops everything for those like Matthew (pictured, right) who experience it, marked by fear, uncertainty and despair. Cuts in social housing development provision over the past 40 years have damaged our communities and today, record numbers of people are homeless.

The Church is called to be the light in this darkness. Jesus changed the world with just twelve disciples – how much could we do today?

In 2021, 27.5 million people in England and Wales identified as Christians. Imagine the impact we could have if just a fraction of this number were united in tackling homelessness. 

This summer, I attended various Christian festivals, where the atmosphere was rich with teaching and worship. And yet where was the call to house the homeless and feed the hungry? To meet the practical and spiritual needs of those struggling to survive? 

The Church holds the solution to homelessness because the Church is the solution. We carry the power of Jesus, not only to heal sickness, but to bring about the miracles of salvation, acceptance and restoration. 

The issue of homelessness is more than just putting a roof over heads

At Green Pastures, we’ve witnessed the impact of financial investment in our mission to end homelessness. Through our ethical investment scheme, many believers have lent money for a set period, receiving up to five per cent interest in return. This is used to purchase properties and provide support to residents in a Christian environment. Residents receive practical help but are also given the opportunity to hear the gospel and witness it in action. At the end of the term, the money is repaid, but the impact is eternal. 

Green Pastures has helped an estimated 20,000 people over the past 25 years, with more than £47.6m currently invested.

Matthew was transformed out of addiction and despair with our partner, Victory Outreach London City Church. “I was in a mess. The programme saved my life,” he said. “I felt lost, alone and angry. Victory Outreach and Green Pastures gave me the strength and courage to put my trust in God. It’s a miracle.”

The issue of homelessness is more than just putting a roof over heads. Change is possible when people receive support and understand that they are valued and loved. Ultimately, salvation is the only thing that truly changes hearts. And so, we must embody a love that mirrors the nature of Jesus. This is not based on merit or earned through good deeds. It extends grace to those who have made mistakes and find themselves in a mess. This love “casts out fear” (1 John 4:18, ESV), both in the giver and receiver. 

The Church is uniquely positioned to tackle homelessness, but the question remains: will we rise to the challenge? We have the resources, compassion and unity needed to bring about real change. Let’s not shy away from this responsibility. The power to end homelessness is within our reach – if we choose to act as one, with purpose and faith. Now is the time to let our light shine.

Beccy Riley works for Green Pastures. For more information visit greenpastures.co.uk