By Tim Gee2023-09-29T13:55:00
The theme of this World Quaker Day is the little-known African word ‘ubuntu’. In an increasingly divided world, understanding what unites us as Christians is vital, says Tim Gee
If you’re a Christian, you might have heard of the Quakers, perhaps as one of the smaller denominations, a historic peace church, or a group that worships principally in silence. But you might not know that globally, there are around 400,000 Quakers - the majority of whom are in Africa - spanning a range of theologies from evangelical to liberal, with a wide variety of worship styles.
As General Secretary to the world committee, I am tasked with holding this diverse community together, and I spend a lot of time thinking about the things we have in common. There are at least three, namely; a direct, unmediated relationship with the divine, a shared history, and our work for peace and justice.
2024-01-10T12:39:00Z By Abi Thomas
As the conflict in Israel-Gaza continues to escalate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine nears its third year, Abi Thomas speaks to five people who are striving to bring God’s peace in a divided and hurting world
2023-09-26T13:26:00Z By Heather Tomlinson
Despite the Church’s best efforts, Christian belief continues to decline among younger generations. Could home education form part of the answer?
2023-08-11T09:30:00Z By Christy Wimber
When Rev Nicky Gumbel shared a photo of him meeting the Pope last week, it resulted in heavy criticism from some Christians. But Jesus never said, “Go and be right”, says Christy Wimber. Instead he prayed that we would be brought to complete unity
2025-03-28T16:35:00Z By George Pitcher
Free speech protects great minds discussing ideas, not small minds abusing people, says George Pitcher, as he looks at the recent cases of Laurence Fox and Kathleen Stock
2025-03-28T14:28:00Z By Isaac Villegas
When the US authorities tried to deport Rosa del Carmen, she found refuge inside a church building - living there for two years. Isaac Villegas’ decision to provide sanctuary for an undocumented immigrant may have been politically controversial, but he believes it was line with historic Christian beliefs
2025-03-28T12:50:00Z By Johnny Rivera
Bad Bunny’s latest album speaks of his proud Puerto Rican heritage. For pastor Johnny Rivera, it was a reminder that his allegiance is to Christ, and he will always be proud to live under God’s banner
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