By Annette Clowes2023-01-09T09:56:00
Whether looking back at fond Christmas memories, or forward to new year’s resolutions, Annette Clowes reminds us that focussing on Jesus will always bring out the best in us
2025-03-28T12:04:00Z By Emma Fowle
Having followed Lindsay Hamon and his giant twelve-foot wooden cross around Cornwall, Emma Fowle reflects on the powerful lessons on evangelism she’s learned from his unusual act of public witness
2025-03-27T09:23:00Z By Dr Jonathan Rowlands
A basic language course on Hebrew or Greek can transform your understanding of scripture and ultimately the world, says Dr Jonathan Rowlands
2025-03-26T16:41:00Z By Martin Saunders
Our ability to concentrate has been universally diminished by technology, and that’s just one of a complex range of interweaving factors – including ADHD – that means many of us are struggling to maintain attention. Does the way we do church need a radical rethink, or is this merely a question of self-discipline?
2025-03-28T16:35:00Z By George Pitcher
Free speech protects great minds discussing ideas, not small minds abusing people, says George Pitcher, as he looks at the recent cases of Laurence Fox and Kathleen Stock
2025-03-28T14:28:00Z By Isaac Villegas
When the US authorities tried to deport Rosa del Carmen, she found refuge inside a church building - living there for two years. Isaac Villegas’ decision to provide sanctuary for an undocumented immigrant may have been politically controversial, but he believes it was line with historic Christian beliefs
2025-03-28T12:50:00Z By Johnny Rivera
Bad Bunny’s latest album speaks of his proud Puerto Rican heritage. For pastor Johnny Rivera, it was a reminder that his allegiance is to Christ, and he will always be proud to live under God’s banner
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