Have Christians become so used to poverty that we’ve stopped being outraged by it? God hasn’t, says Natalie Williams, and it’s time we got in step with his heart
Find your joy in giving, not receiving this festive season, says Natalie Williams
It’s sometimes easier to feed someone than grieve with them, says Natalie Williams. But Jesus asks us to do both
Natalie Williams on how your weekly shop could look different if you applied the Old Testament principle of gleaning
Rishi Sunak wants mercy for himself, but justice for others. He’s just like the rest of us, observes Natalie Williams
God’s heart for those in need is crystal clear throughout the Old Testament. In a cost of living crisis the call to love your neighbour as yourself is more relevant than ever, says Natalie Williams
Receiving criticism isn’t easy. But it’s vital if you’re to grow in leading well, says Natalie Williams
A leader’s highest calling is to develop other leaders, says Natalie Williams
Learning to trust God - in leadership or in life - is an ongoing adventure, says Natalie Williams. You never feel ready, but God never fails
Want to be the best leader you can be? You need to sleep well, eat well, exercise well and pray well, says Natalie Williams. Here’s how she changed her daily habits
The first thing I noticed when I started leading Jubilee+ was how tired I became. Formerly a night owl, suddenly I just couldn’t handle working late. It started out as mental tiredness – at the end of the working day, my brain ached. But it soon progressed to physical and ...
In her her debut ‘Lessons in leadership’ column, Natalie Williams says God calls the unlikely
Liz Truss has been confirmed as our new Prime Minister. Natalie Williams is looking for her to carry a ‘holy fire’ in her gut; a combination of compassion and outrage that compels change for those who need it most