The new TV drama tackles the murder of a schoolgirl and her classmate’s arrest. It doesn’t shy away from all the hard topics: toxic masculinity, gender wars, online bullying and a struggling education system. Christians should watch it now, says Krish Kandiah
Contrary to what its detractors have claimed, Angel Studios’ new film Bonhoeffer is not trying to endorse a modern political agenda. That’s according to the film’s director Todd Komarnicki, who says he’s grown frustrated at how critics are linking this film with “the opposite of what it’s trying to do.”
A Complete Unknown is a film for anyone curious about the human condition. But by leaving out the singer’s conversion to Christianity, the redemptive arc is ultimately unfulfilling, says Krish Kandiah
Krish Kandiah suggests three ways Christians should react to Donald Trump’s historic comeback
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot is the awe-inspiring true story of one small church who adopted 77 children in two years. It’s a realistic look at Christian love in action says Krish Kandiah
When US author and speaker Eric Metaxas recently shared a post that compared Donald Trump’s guilty verdict to Christ’s, Christians around the world were rightly horrified. It is not OK, says Dr Krish Kandiah
The controversial comedian’s baptism does not change his past or exempt him from facing the consequences of his previous actions, but God only knows the sincerity of his conversion. It is not for Christians to judge, says Krish Kandiah
Western democracies must not be complacent, says Krish Kandiah. Civil War is an uncomfortable watch, but it may be the wake-up call we need
Alexei Navalny fearlessly fought against corruption in Russia and was poisoned, imprisoned and now, allegedly murdered by the state. Dr Krish Kandiah asks what we can learn from the life, death and faith of the activist was also an atheist-turned-Christian
Krish Kandiah travelled to Bethlehem in search of solutions to the current conflict
Krish Kandiah has been writing about the tragedy of ‘the missing generation’ for years, but when his own children stopped going to church, the issue took on a new urgency for him. Here he shares what he believes to be the five things that push young people away from God
Tim Keller had a soft spot for the UK, notes Krish Kandiah. The pastor, theologian and best-selling author exerted a worldwide influence while maintaining a humble spirit and modelling generosity towards those he disagreed with
There are times when our culture seems conflicted and confusing and the things we normally rely on to help us navigate our way through the fog seem to fail us.
Mary and Joseph sought sanctuary in Bethlehem and then Egypt, but also welcomed strangers to their home. Even when times are tough, we can find sanctuary in Christ this Christmas, and extend that hope to others, says Krish Kandiah
This portrayal of the horrors of war and inter-religious violence, makes for difficult viewing says Krish Kandiah
But it’s a poignant reminder that being attentive to the little things can make all the difference to those in need, says Krish Kandiah