When we divide over the irrelevant, we forget the most important message of all, says David Instone-Brewer
Palestinians are not Arabs by descent. Could their true identity provide a path towards peace in the Middle East today?
Sin has imprisoned us in a fallen world, says David Instone-Brewer. But one day, Jesus will return to set the captives free
Was Jesus a communist or capitalist? David Instone-Brewer explores what the Bible tells us about how to vote
God makes promises to both Jews and Arabs when it comes to land in the Middle East, observes David Instone Brewer
David Instone-Brewer explores what scripture teaches about women in wartime
The identity of Cain’s wife has long troubled Christians. David Instone-Brewer proposes a new way of thinking about the problem
Being part of a community of believers wasn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ for the first Christians. Fellowship was vital for a family’s wellbeing, explains David Instone-Brewer
Christians around the world are praying fervently for peace in the Middle East, yet the fighting continues. Are our prayers being hindered? A peculiar story from the Old Testament may help us understand what’s going on, says David Instone-Brewer
Neuroscience might provide some unexpected answers to two complex theological questions, says David Instone-Brewer
Throughout Christian history, those at the bottom of society have been most receptive to the good news, explains David Instone-Brewer
Traditions may have changed over the centuries, but wherever and whenever we eat the bread and drink the wine, we share fellowship together as one family – and with Jesus – says David Instone-Brewer
In the first century, something or someone stopped Jesus’ second coming. David Instone-Brewer explores what happened and asks: What is it that is holding him back today?
David Instone-Brewer wrestles with the key biblical texts that appear to condemn gay sex
Looking for answers? Draw near to the one who gives life it’s meaning, suggests David Instone-Brewer, as he takes a closer look at the book of Ecclesiastes
Most churches in the world today preach that homosexuality is a sin, citing biblical references to support their case. But what if the word “homosexual” was added to the Bible by mistake? That’s the claim of a new documentary film, 1946. Premier Christianity’s resident Bible scholar, David Instone Brewer, went to see it
In exploring why God changed the name of key biblical characters, David Instone-Brewer wonders whether it might be time for modern Christians to drop the ‘Evangelical’ label
Is it true that God has no favourites? David Instone-Brewer investigates
David Instone-Brewer explains how the removal of sin enables us to survive God’s presence
The doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement has divided Christians in recent years. David Instone-Brewer takes a fresh look at what the Bible says
The Bible contains many different metaphors that explain what Jesus achieved on the cross. But David Instone-Brewer says this doctrine is special
Archaeologists have long claimed that David and Solomon’s kingdoms were just exciting myths. David Instone-Brewer explains why we can trust the Old Testament’s version of history
What exactly did Paul teach in the New Testament, and how should Christians understand and apply his teaching today? David Instone-Brewer sheds some light on this deeply divisive issue
Was it a global flood, or local flood? David Instone-Brewer explains why he (reluctantly) changed his mind
It might be commonly taught, but Augustine's concept of original sin doesn't have scriptural support, argues David Instone-Brewer
Each of these words describe an important way that God relates to us. But the third one is the most special
Don’t miss the significance of this biblical title, says David Instone-Brewer. It reveals how God is absolutely dependable
As the US military gets ready to release an unclassified report into UFOs, David Instone-Brewer looks at the biblical evidence for extra-terrestrial life
One evening, my wife was reading out the recycling rules and said: “Why not do it right now?” Feeling somewhat aggrieved, I asserted (rather too loudly) that I had already been doing it right, but she cut me off. “No,” she said. “Why not do it right now – the ...
Premier Christianity's resident Bible scholar David Instone-Brewer explains why he believes this pandemic is not a sign of God's anger
The gospel spread in spite of Paul’s preaching, rather than because of it, suggests David Instone-Brewer
What does the Bible say about mental illness and demonic possession? David Instone-Brewer investigates
Christian Rugby player Israel Folau sparked outrage recently for linking Australia's bushfires to the nation’s liberalisation of marriage and abortion laws. Theologian David Instone-Brewer investigates whether natural disasters are ever God's punishment for sin
David Instone-Brewer examines the gospel accounts of Jesus rising from the dead, and responds to the claim that early Christians simply made the story up
David Instone-Brewer considers a heavenly perspective on our worship gatherings
David Instone-Brewer unpacks the Bible’s teaching on anger and revenge
Please don’t talk about ‘Adam and Steve’ says David Instone-Brewer. Misusing Bible verses to make your point only hurts your argument
David Instone-Brewer explains why it’s good to be reminded of God’s wrath
Continuing his series on the significance of the cross, David Instone-Brewer examines what it means to say that Jesus died as a ‘sacrifice’ for our sins
Christians agree that God is all-powerful. But how does the Almighty work out his plan? David Instone-Brewer looks at the biblical evidence
Many churches teach that Christian leaders must never have been divorced, quoting 1 Timothy 3:12: ‘the husband of one wife’ (KJV). But the apostle Paul had something else in mind, says our doctrine detective David Instone-Brewer
Is ‘wifely submission’ a curse we should ignore, or biblical teaching we should follow? Our Doctrine Detective David Instone-Brewer investigates
In a new series, David Instone-Brewer becomes the Doctrine Detective and investigates whether there’s really a biblical basis for many popular teachings. This month: Should Christians be tithing 10%?
David Instone-Brewer delves into the world of astronomy as he examines recent claims of end-time signs.
Wherever they stand on the debate, all Christians can praise God for the process of evolution, says our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer.
Some atheists use multiverse theories to argue against the existence of God. David Instone-Brewer agrees that our universe may be just one among many – but God must have created all of them.
Writing in the June edition of Premier Christianity, David Instone Brewer argued that an individual life begins 14 days after conception. Read David’s controversial article, and Peter D Williams’ response below.
Could the mathematics of infinity point to something beyond this universe?
Drawing on his studies in forensic pathology, David Instone-Brewer explores the science of crucifixion.
Our planet will one day become our renewed eternal home, so we had better look after it, says David Instone-Brewer.
David Instone-Brewer delves into neurology and explores the nature of the human spirit.
When we get to heaven, will we remember everything we said and did on earth? Our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer examines how memory works and whether our resurrection bodies will be accompanied by a reconditioned memory bank.
Exactly how many Israelites lived in the wilderness? Continuing his series exploring science and the Bible, our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer explores whether the numbers in Exodus add up.
Festive cards usually depict a serene tableau set in a stable complete with shepherds, wise men and baby Jesus with a halo. But the first Christmas was anything but respectable. David Instone-Brewer reveals the unconventional nativity characters that would have made even a tabloid journalist blush.
Our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer explores what the Bible has to say on gender and transgender issues.
Continuing his series on science and the Bible, David Instone-Brewer takes a closer look at what Genesis reveals about the origins of humankind.
In the first of his new series exploring science and the Bible, our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer uncovers the significance of stars.
David Instone-Brewer explores Jesus’ teaching on someone we all-too-readily overlook: the Devil
Jesus encouraged us to ‘become like little children’ (Matthew 18:3), but did he really want his Church to be like a playgroup – full of self-centred bickering and snotty noses?
Do we gloss over teaching on hell? David Instone-Brewer takes a look at what Jesus has to say on the subject.
Continuing his new series, David Instone-Brewer sheds light on doctrines we may have overlooked.
In this new series, David Instone-Brewer sheds light on doctrines we may have overlooked…
We often think of David as the plucky young boy who defeated Goliath. In reality, he was a nation-builder as well as a mass murderer who ignored the rape of his own daughter.
Breasts, kisses and hair like a flock of goats…David Instone-Brewer on Old Testament turn-ons.
Rather than arguing over the ‘how’ or the ‘when’ of baptism, David Instone-Brewer explains that the real division is over what it actually does.
David Instone-Brewer investigates the underhand tactics of this biblical hero. If we’re honest, we’d probably all admit that we’ve lied, cheated and bullied on occasion – perhaps we told ourselves it was ‘necessary’. I must admit that’s how I once got a gold star for maths homework.
When are feet not feet? When they are used euphemistically to spare blushes, as David Instone-Brewer discovers in the story of Ruth and Boaz.
Should we tell children about the murkier acts of Samson, such as using prostitutes and pimping out his wife? On a family holiday some years ago, we found ourselves driving through a very rough part of a town and I started to dread what my daughters might be seeing.
Our resident Bible scholar responds to some typical questions about the Old Testament that The Bible series is likely to raise for non-believers (and probably plenty of Christians too, if we’re honest).
Esther might have saved the Jews through her nocturnal activity, but, writes David Instone-Brewer, she didn’t manage to save a traditional family structure which celebrated women.
Does God decide who will be saved, or is humanity free to choose to follow him?
How does a modern Bible translation like the NIV come about? Baptist minister David Instone-Brewer got a unique opportunity to find out when he was invited to join with a committee of translators.
Did God really make the sun stand still? David Instone-Brewer tackles Joshua chapter 10...
Why is the Old Testament apparently running with blood? David Instone-Brewer examines the importance and the symbolism.
The principle of a ‘weekend’ is an entirely biblical one, says David Instone-Brewer. How will you use yours?
What is the best system of government? David Instone-Brewer explores the ideal of democracy, and why God didn’t instigate it for Israel.
Advocating the death penalty in the Old Testament seems barbaric. However, David Instone-Brewer argues that scripture actually has a high value for human life.
David Instone-Brewer examines the effects on women of some controversial Old Testament practices and unearths surprising parallels with today.
Human sacrifice was once so common as to be considered normal. Did Abraham’s God endorse it? David Instone-Brewer explores the unacceptable.
When the early Gospel manuscripts were being rapidly reproduced, mistakes were made. But did they change the message? David Instone-Brewer looks at omissions and additions in Mark 1.
Did Joshua commit genocide? Necessary rules of engagement or unnecessary slaughter? David Instone-Brewer on Old Testament warfare.
Some scholars claim that as many as half of Paul’s letters weren’t actually written by him. Are they fakes, or did he just have a secretary?
Did God really send natural disasters to punish people? David Instone-Brewer tackles the story of Sodom in Genesis 19...
Is the story of Adam and Eve literally true, or should we treat it as an allegory? David Instone-Brewer tackles Genesis 3...
Did Noah’s Ark actually happen? Were six million land species really rescued in one boat? David Instone-Brewer tackles Genesis 6...
What actually happened at the Tower of Babel? Did God really make everyone talk in different languages?
Was the earth created in six days or billions of years? David Instone-Brewer tackles Genesis 1...