5 reasons why this Welsh Christian admires the Lionesses


England have stormed into their first ever Women’s World Cup final. And despite usually cheering for “anyone but England”, Ross Hendry will be backing the Lionesses in Sunday’s game against Spain. He believes the team are exhibiting values that Christians should be inspired by

As a proud Welsh­man there are two uni­ver­sal truths that are my yard­stick in sport: rugby before foot­ball, and it’s ‘any­one but Eng­land.’ Yet for a second sum­mer in a row, I find myself sur­pris­ingly cap­tiv­ated by the Eng­land women’s foot­ball team. And not just because of their sport­ing prowess. I think the Lion­esses are good role mod­els.

Before giving up on me at this point – either because you don’t support the England team, or because you are not into football – allow me to explain myself.