1 in 5 don’t believe in democracy. Here’s why Christians must defend it


A new survey shows an alarming shift toward authoritarianism among young Brits. Democracy isn’t perfect, says Tim Farron MP, but it’s far better than the alternative, and there are distinctly Christian reasons for supporting it

According to a new report from FGS Global, 21 per cent of 18- to 45-year-olds in the UK believe that “the best system for running a country is a strong leader without elections”.

This bombshell, that a startling one in five younger Britons “prefer unelected leaders to democracy” feels profoundly alarming to me. A large chunk of adults question the value of elections - a fundamental pillar of a free society.

Where are we heading if the generations responsible for continuing our democratic values contain a sizeable number who see them as dispensable?