By Heather Tomlinson2023-07-26T09:47:00
Some Christians believe the World Economic Forum (WEF) is nudging events forward in a way which could fulfil end time prophecy. But is it mindless fake news? Heather Tomlinson investigates
2024-03-25T14:27:00Z By Kate Orson
Kate Orson speaks to the converts who are leaving the truther and new age movements behind
2023-09-22T09:11:00Z By Holly-Anna Petersen
The government’s U-turn on environmental policies will negatively impact the poorest in our society, both here and abroad, says Holly-Anna Petersen. It is not what God would have us do
2023-08-01T11:01:00Z By George Pitcher
Is climate activism the new religion? Amid the party politics surrounding green policies - from the Uxbridge by-election to new oil and gas drilling licences in Scotland - George Pitcher argues there is much the Church could learn about loving our enemies from those on the frontlines of campaigning for change
2025-03-21T17:14:00Z By AJ Gomez
As thousands of teenagers gathered for the UK’s largest Catholic youth event, AJ Gomez was there to report on the hopeful message being given to the next generation
2025-02-28T09:59:00Z By Sam Hailes
A Chosen People Ministries survey has claimed one third of British Christians endorse antisemitic tropes such as “The Jews talk too much about the Holocaust”. Sam Hailes looks at the research
2025-02-26T10:05:00Z By Heather Tomlinson
Heather Tomlinson investigates disturbing reports from the New Forest
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