All Leadership articles – Page 10

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    The Black Church in the UK


    In London the majority of church attenders are black. Jonathan Oloyede examines the growing impact that Black Majority Churches (BMC's) are making around the UK.

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    Sunday School In The 21st Century


    Sunday Schools have been around for hundreds of years – but are we teaching 21st century children with 19th century methods and curriculum? John Buckeridge investigates.

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    Are The New Church Streams Stagnating?


    They are the most successful part of the UK church in the last generation, but are the New Church streams flowing to stagnant pools or refreshing rivers? Andy Peck talks to those inside and outside the New Church movement about what the future holds.

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    Billy Graham: his impact on Britain


    He's probably the best-loved evangelist to visit our shores, certainly the most famous. As Billy Graham hands over the leadership of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to his son Franklin, Andy Peck asks how he will be remembered.

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    Spiritual Abuse


    How do you recognise spiritual abuse? What are the causes and effects, and what practical steps can a victim take?