All Kamala Harris articles

  • 2024-09-14T082008Z_1069324901_RC280AAF6EWM_RTRMADP_3_POPE-MEETING

    Why the Pope should stay out of US politics


    In a rare intervention, the Pope has weighed in on the US presidential election, urging American Catholics to “choose the lesser evil”. Rev Peter Crumpler questions the wisdom of church leaders expressing their opinions on foreign elections

  • 2019-07-04T221729Z_155469681_RC139B0F0700_RTRMADP_3_USA-ELECTION-HARRIS

    ​Kamala Harris’ joyful laugh should be celebrated


    Can’t we find better things to criticise our politicians over than the fact that they laugh too much? We need more joy in politics, not less, says George Pitcher. Long may the US vice president’s laughter remain

  • Kamala-Harris

    The faith of Kamala Harris


    The vice president-elect identifies as a Baptist and uses biblical language to talk about social justice issues, but she is also pro-choice and has supported moves to increase access to abortion