By Chris Llewellyn2021-03-25T12:24:00
Even before I was a follower of Jesus, I would rattle off the Lord’s Prayer. Emanating from our school assemblies, the sound could be described as ‘reluctant unison’. There was a sleepy and contented cadence to it, which perfectly matched my 9am energy levels.
2021-05-21T12:23:00Z By Alun Ebenezer
Church schools have a duty to be distinctive and offer parents and pupils real choice, says headteacher Alun Ebenezer
2024-03-15T11:38:00Z By Reinhold Titus
African missionaries are challenging the modern missionary mindset, says Operation Mobilisation’s Reinhold Titus
2022-04-26T14:11:00Z By NT Wright
Source: Brian Jackson / Alamy Stock Photo Q: I’ve got a deep regard for the Sermon on the Mount but I’ve always been bothered by Matthew 6:15: “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Likewise, the Lord’s Prayer ...
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