By Sam Hailes2024-03-21T12:16:00
Interest in the Shroud of Turin continues to be insatiable. As the Church remembers Christ’s death and resurrection this Easter, a world leading scholar in the study of the Shroud explains why he’s so confident this really is the burial cloth of Jesus
The Shroud of Turin is the most studied object in the world – and for good reason. If authentic, this linen cloth would constitute physical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
Not so fast comes the gut reaction from many Christians, concerned that such a theory skirts dangerously close to venerating a spurious relic. Besides, hasn’t the science concluded this is simply a medieval forgery?
2024-03-28T11:16:00Z By Karen Murdarasi
Why do we eat chocolate eggs at Easter? What’s with school children making bonnets? And why is it called ‘Easter’ at all? Karen Murdarasi shares some little-known facts
2024-03-28T09:25:00Z By Karen Murdarasi
The roots of the oddly-named Thursday before Easter come from Jesus’ command to love one another, as well as his foot-washing example, explains Karen Murdarasi
2025-03-28T12:09:00Z By David Instone-Brewer
Without repentence, forgiveness is meaningless, argues Dr David Instone-Brewer
2025-03-27T17:10:00Z By Sam Hailes
After a life-long battle with anxiety, worship leader Elle Limebear is showing fear the door. As she releases her boldest music to date, the daughter of Delirious? frontman Martin Smith opens up about prophetic words, how she accidentally rewrote her father’s classic worship song and what touring the world is really like
2025-03-26T14:51:00Z By Emma Fowle
The ex-Muslim on confronting Islam, suffering for the gospel and why she won’t stop sharing the good news whatever the cost
2025-03-26T11:27:00Z By Chantelle Johnson
The biggest Christian rapper in the country right now, is a teenage boy called DC3. Here, he opens up about his journey to viral success, balancing music and education and his primary priority to “share God” through music
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