After a life-long battle with anxiety, worship leader Elle Limebear is showing fear the door. As she releases her boldest music to date, the daughter of Delirious? frontman Martin Smith opens up about prophetic words, how she accidentally rewrote her father’s classic worship song and what touring the world is really like 

Elle Limebear was destined to sing – and that isn’t journalistic hyperbole. In 1997, as then-Delirious? frontman Martin Smith and wife, Anna, celebrated Elle’s birth, a prophetic word was spoken over their newborn. It suggested Elle would be anointed for creativity and leadership in a similar way to her father who, at that point, was writing some of the most-sung worship songs in the world (‘What a friend I’ve found’, ‘I could sing of your love forever’ and ‘Shout to the north’ to name but a few). 

Martin and Anna never told Elle about the prophecy – a fact she’s enormously grateful for. It meant there was zero pressure from her parents to go into music, she says, and she was allowed to find that path for herself. When I gently suggest her father must have opened a few doors for her, she demurs. “Honestly, it isn’t [like that]. With lots of people [I’m working with], Dad’s like: ‘I’ve never met them.’” If you still need convincing, a Christian music insider later tells me that Elle (pronounced Ellie) signed a record deal in the US without her father’s knowledge.

The 27-year-old is forging her own path, then – and I’ve promised to not be one of those journalists who only asks questions about her famous father. 

I’ve come to Brighton to meet Elle – or Ells, as her friends call her. We’re speaking on the cusp of the release of her second album, Welcome to the Bloodline. It’s a phenomenal collection of songs – all of which are deeply rooted in themes of faith, family and, perhaps most significantly, overcoming fear, as typified by her punchy first single, ‘Bye fear’. 

Anxiety has been a significant battle for Elle. Not long ago, her husband and manager, Tom, asked her to write a list of everything she’d do if she had no fear. As she put pen to paper, she was horrified to see the list growing to pages and pages. “Big things and small things,” she says. So much was “stolen” from her by fear. As she explains that she’s now able to drive a car without having a panic attack, I’m struck by how her story will give hope to a multitude of others who are facing similar struggles.


Thanks for welcoming us here. You’ve always lived in the Brighton area, what’s so great about it?

Everything. I never want to move! 

I grew up on the south coast of England in Chichester. We moved to Brighton as a family to help plant a church here about 15 years ago, and now I’m bringing up my family here. It’s just such a fun city. There’s lots going on, it’s very creative. Unless the Lord says: “Go”, I will happily stay in Brighton for the rest of my life!

What’s it like being a Christian in Brighton?

It feels like there’s a real curiosity, especially compared to when I was a teenager. Back then, Christianity was seen as weird. People are a lot more open now to spiritual things – not all good spiritual things – but just curious. Even in our small church community, it feels like there’s more and more people joining every week. 

What are your memories of growing up?

I’m the eldest of six children, and it’s a big fam – ‘the pack’. I loved growing up in a big family, and we’re still the best of friends.

Our parents have been leaders and Dad was part of a band, so we travelled a lot as kids. Probably three times a year we’d do big tours and hop around the world. But home life was really stable. I don’t know how she did it, but Mum managed to keep us kids very much together and in a routine. It felt very safe.

We grew up in our local church where my grandpa was the pastor, and all of my family, including my cousins, would go every Sunday. It was a very charismatic church. From a very young age, my eyes were open to what God could do. People falling over in the spirit, people getting out of wheelchairs, people being healed and dancing. 

Was there a moment when your faith became your own?

I was seven years old when I gave my life to Jesus. I remember it so clearly, like it was yesterday – going to my room, shutting the door, getting on my knees and simply asking Jesus to come into my life and be my friend, to be my Lord and saviour. Now I meet seven-year-olds, I’m like: Gosh, that is so young! But the conviction was so real for me. 

Was there ever a pressure to follow your dad’s footsteps into worship leading or music?

Never. I remember asking Dad: “Did you know that I was going to do this?” He said: “Oh yeah!” There were words spoken over me literally on the day I was born about what I’m doing now. So, he knew. But he never ever wanted to put that on me. And I’m very grateful. There was encouragement, for sure, but no pressure. 

If I’d met you aged ten and asked what you wanted to do when you grew up, what would you have said?

You know what? Probably deep, deep down, if I was being really honest, it would have been to do music and to sing. But I was so fearful. I probably would have said a photographer – it was the safe answer.

I wanted to do music, but I never told anyone. Fear stole the dream – and even the passion for it. I loved singing, and I’d sing in my room, but I didn’t want anyone to hear me. I didn’t do school competitions or anything like that! 

What changed?

I was 20 years old when God spoke so clearly to me. I remember saying: “I don’t want to do this. I’ve seen behind the scenes, the sacrifice for both Mum and Dad, what this entails. Please don’t lead me into this.” But I had to trust him. And he’s still leading me through. It’s been him opening doors and giving me confidence, giving me the words and the songs to sing. It’s a miracle that he’s actually given me the boldness to step out. 

I want to rebuke the idea of us being an ‘anxious generation’


Getting signed to a label in America was another step of faith. Now, with Welcome to the Bloodline, I just have so much confidence that writing music about Jesus is what I’m supposed to be doing – whether that’s for believers or non-believers; whoever needs to hear it, and needs some truth or joy or peace in their day. I’m passionate about writing music that’s full of truth.

It’s interesting to hear you talk about having fresh confidence, because I think you can really hear that in your voice on the new album – what do you think?

Honestly, that’s because of what God has been doing in my life, breaking me free of fear over the past five years. There is a new confidence, there is a new boldness. I can hear it myself, too, in these songs. It’s like: Oh yeah, Elle does know who she is, and she knows what she’s bringing. I loved my previous music, but I could hear the fear in my voice. I listen back and I’m like: Wow, she was so full of fear. Now, there’s this real conviction of who I am in Jesus. Let’s go! Let’s not be held back by fear. 

That’s a very relevant message for your age group, who have sometimes been described as ‘the anxious generation’…

I know. I find that so sad whenever I hear that label on this generation. I just want to rebuke it every time, because I don’t want that to be true. 

What I find interesting is that it’s actually not just this generation who are struggling with their mental health or anxiety. I want to encourage us all to tackle this fear head-on.

What did fear previously stop you from doing? 

So many things. I was terrified of driving. I don’t know where it came from, but I’m the eldest of six, and all my siblings passed [their driving test] before me. They were picking me up or dropping me off, and I remember it got to the point where I was about to have my first baby, and I thought: This has to change

I managed to pass when my baby was eight weeks old, but I remember being in a very vulnerable state, still full of fear, honestly.

There was this one scenario where I needed to go somewhere, and the voice of fear was so loud. It was like: Ah, don’t bother going. You’ll probably crash. You won’t find a space. You can just get Tom to drop you off. The list of lies was so loud. I remember asking: “God, what should I do?” And he clearly spoke to me and said: “Ells, I have not given you the spirit of fear, I have given you the spirit of faith.” 

In that moment, I was given the spirit of faith again, of courage and boldness. I went to my car, still a bit scared, but the boldness took over. There’s been so many things like that, where I thought I’d never be able to do it, and he’s redeemed it.

It sounds like there’s both a mental health component and a spiritual component to you finding victory in this area. Is that right?

I guess so. I’m not a professional talking about this – I’m still learning.

I wasn’t healed instantly. But for me, it’s been a journey of claiming freedom and saying bye to fear in lots of practical ways, lots of spiritual ways – singing songs over myself and scripture. 

Being vulnerable with people was huge – opening up about what was actually going on. I think I just hid it and thought: If I just keep this to myself, hopefully it’ll go away. But that’s such a dangerous place to be. When we keep things to ourselves, it just festers. 

A turning point in my journey was actually opening my mouth and talking to a close-knit group of people. Having listening ears is the most profound thing. There was no judgement. It was just simply: “I hear you.” I think back to those verses – “mourn with those who mourn, grieve with those who grieve” [see Romans 12:14]. Just be with people who are struggling. You don’t have to be the hero. I think sometimes the most amazing thing we can do is just sit with people and hear them out. 

The new album is called Welcome to the Bloodline. What songs on the record are you most excited about?

There’s so many amazing, dear worship songs that have been part of my journey of faith. But one of the top would be Dad’s song: ‘What a friend I found.’ I love that song. 

I don’t think it was even on purpose, but somehow [I wrote this song] about Jesus being my friend, called: ‘What a friend’, and it’s at the top of the album. It’s my own take, I guess, on Dad’s song, but in a way that was subconscious. It wasn’t until later that I realised: Oh my gosh, I’ve just rewritten Dad’s song. Sorry, Dad! But that’s a really special song for me - [it signifies] generational passed down faith.  

It’s a miracle that God has given me the boldness to step out and sing

Then we end the album with [a message of passing onto] the next generation and may my children find Jesus too. [The song ‘How could I not?’ contains the lyrics “And now I’m older, I’m believing for my children / That your revival fire will burn within their hearts / May they know your voice and lead their generation.”] 

How did you meet your husband, Tom?

We met at church. I was 15 (turning 16 – he likes to clarify that) and he was 18. He had just moved to Brighton to study music business and started coming to our church. We got chatting, became friends on Facebook and went out for a coffee (even though I didn’t drink coffee). I literally just drank water, which was so boring, and was desperate for the toilet after three jugs of water! 

We didn’t start officially dating until I was 18, and he was 21, because I was part of the youth group and he was working for our church. There was this kinda…

…You can’t date someone in the youth group?

Exactly! But our leadership team were amazing. They were like: “Honestly guys, we trust you, but it’s just, you know, precautions…” We look at back at that time so gratefully. We were literally the best of friends. We got to know our families, and then, when I was 20, we got married. So young – but my mum and dad got married at the same age, so they couldn’t say anything! I think I still only knew how to make beans on toast and plain pasta [when we first got married] so we’ve come a long way!

You get invited all over the world to sing and lead worship. Is it as glamorous as it sounds?

[Whispers] No!

Why not?

The events are amazing; the best bit is always the people you meet. But I don’t particular enjoy flying, being stuck inside a tin can for hours with someone’s feet poking into the back of the chair. 

I have an amazing team. Two of my band are my brothers, and the other three are like my brothers. We have a lot of giggles. The downside is the late nights or the early mornings, the delays, or you’ve had a chicken schnitzel for six meals in a row. But you take it. You’re grateful for it. I mean, I love a chicken schnitzel! 

What would it look like for light to break through in our cities, and for people to realise: I need Jesus?

And also, with all these things, it’s not promised for tomorrow. I really try and enjoy every moment, because tomorrow it could look very different, or next week or next year. My boy starts school in September, and that’s going to change our family lifestyle and routine. So you just want to savour every moment. There’s joy to be found in it all, as much as it’s chaotic.


Your dad recently re-recorded the Delirious song ‘Revival town’ and you sang on that track – it felt like a significant moment of handing onto the next generation. What would revival look like for you?

People coming to know Jesus. Transformation. Healings. Redemption in marriages, cities coming alive. Joy in family homes and even in our society – the foster care system. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we no longer needed foodbanks in this country? People singing and dancing again, inside the Church, outside the Church; forgiveness. 

I’d love to see our city like come alive in truth. You can look at Brighton and think: “Wow, it’s so alive”, but there’s a lot of death here. There’s a lot of darkness in this city. It’s not all sunshine. What would it look like for light to break through in our cities, and for there to be life; for people to realise: I need Jesus? “Take off your sackcloth and put on a garment of praise.” That’s exciting!  

Elle Limebear Profile podcast

Welcome to the Bloodline by Elle Limebear is available to stream nowElle is leading worship at Spring Harvest, Minehead. For upcoming dates see

To hear the full interview listen to Premier Christian Radio at 8pm on Saturday 5 April or download ‘The Profile’ podcast

All photos (c) Atlas Photograph