A gifted communicator from the pulpit and page, Ortberg’s latest book explores the least understood part of our being: the soul. With his trademark blend of storytelling and down-to-earth relevance, he shows how living the ‘with God’ life isn’t just a good idea; it’s the only way to find lasting peace and fulfilment. The deep influence Dallas Willard’s life had on Ortberg is lovingly explored within this practical keep-fit manual for the soul.
The senior pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California has retained his skill of writing accessible but satisfyingly deep books that will warm the heart while exercising the mind. Like most of his books, Soul Keeping delivers rocket fuel to launch lively discussions in a house group setting.
I judge a book by how much highlighter pen I use and how many notes I scribble in the margin, hence my award of five stars. I have since started reading it through a second time to mine further gems.
JOHN BUCKERIDGE is deputy CEO at Premier Christian Communications