Sheridan Voysey
Sheridan Voysey is the founder of Friendship Lab, a new charity that empowers adults with the wisdom and skills to make their friendships thrive. Find out more at friendshiplab.org
- Magazine Features
Who can you call at 2am? It's time for Christians to counter the loneliness epidemic
The world is experiencing a friendship recession. Sheridan Voysey explains how both culture and Church came to neglect friendship and how you can reclaim this forgotten love
- Opinion
Remembering Eugene Peterson: The man behind The Message
The Presbyterian pastor best known for writing The Message – a modern translation of the Bible, has died at the age of 85. Sheridan Voysey remembers a humble, faithful and joyful man
- Opinion
The world's fastest growing religion isn't Islam or Christianity. It's Materialism
Have you been sucked in? Sheridan Voysey challenges us to think differently
- Archive content
Jesus-shaped resilience
Sheridan Voysey decided to embark on an experiment: to read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount every day for a month. The result was a new understanding of the concept of resilience
- Archive content
After the Wilderness
How do you move on after years of broken dreams? Sheridan Voysey reflects on lessons from the wilderness and finding hope in new beginnings.
- Archive content
The Search For Meaning
Each month, 550,000 people search for the meaning of life on Google. Our culture offers four main answers to this question, ranging from ‘life is meaningless’ to ‘life is a joke’. What does Christianity offer?