
Your new album was recorded live in Brighton. How is recording live different from what you’d do with a studio album?

I definitely come alive when I’m in front of people. So, I always find the studio thing a bit harder because I have to almost picture who I’m singing to. When it’s live, you can add that ministry dynamic, which is always fun and you can bounce off people which brings a lot of energy. Leading up to it, [my husband] Nathan and I went round to five different churches and with a handful of their worship teams taught them all a few songs so there was at least a percentage of people there on the night who already knew them – you weren’t having to try and teach everybody all the songs, so there was already a win from that perspective. The order of the album is not quite the same as it was on the evening, because you have to take people on a journey in the evening. And, although you do that with an album, there are slightly different dynamics. There are tons of things to think about, but I really, really enjoyed it. I had an absolute blast.


Does a live album also give us an idea of how it might be used in a church worship setting?

Yes, I think that’s definitely part of the hope with what Nathan and I feel called to do. Part of it is to try and write songs that can help and equip people in their local churches. So, when you do it in this setting it can translate easier for people to think, “Oh, I could play that in my church and that would make sense.”


What is it that’s kept your faith strong?

I think it’s the grace of God, to be honest, I can’t boast in myself. I think God is kind to me, he is generous to me. God gives us tools with the Bible. He gives us friends and the Church around us to support us. He gives us his Spirit to work in us and through us.


Tell us about the thought behind the title, This Changes Everything.

The Bible talks about how if Jesus hasn’t risen from the dead we are basing our faith on something that hasn’t happened – then we are absolutely pathetic! But ultimately we do believe Jesus has risen from the dead and that has an impact and it brings change in everything we do, how we live, how we see things, our perspective, where we put our money, where we put our time. How we try and grow, on our own personal walk and journey in life but also with other people. So, the gospel has§ an impact on everything. For me, it changes everything.


Loretta Andrews presents Premier Drive on weekday afternoons and Unsigned on Saturdays on Premier Christian Radio


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