Nick Page

Nick Page

Nick Page is a writer, speaker and sinner. He is the author of more than 80 books, and the co-host of the Mid-faith Crisis podcast. His latest book is The Badly Behaved Bible: Thinking again about the story of scripture (Hodder & Stoughton). His website is and he tweets at @NickofEynsham

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    Magazine Features

    6 lessons from Celtic Christianity


    A lot of what you’ve been told about Celtic Christianity is plain wrong, argues Nick Page. He sets the record straight

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    Magazine Features

    How to be wise: Confessions of a recovering idiot


    Wisdom takes many forms, says Nick Page, including the words of scripture, the person of Jesus and our own ability to think for ourselves

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    Magazine Features

    I don’t like your platitude: The case against Christian cliches


    Christian cliches. We all know them. And we all use them. But are they more than harmless sayings? Nick Page wonders whether there is more danger in them than we think 

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    Magazine Features

    Why it's utter baubles to claim 'Christmas is pagan'


    Christmas is coming! And with it the usual stories telling us that the festival has pagan origins. But is it true? Nick Page investigates

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    Magazine Features

    Why we should ban Bible study


    Interacting with the Bible should be a rewarding and transformational experience, argues Nick Page

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    Magazine Features

    7 ways to stop sinning


    Nick Page explains why he believes these insights from psychology can help us live less sinful lives

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    Archive content

    And now for the bad news: what we lost because of the Reformation


    Sorry to intrude on the Reformation celebrations, but Nick Page has some not-so-great-news to share

  • Archive content

    Church Invisible: Episode Three


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040, where he is given the chance to find out for himself.

  • Archive content

    Church Invisible: Episode Two


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040, where he is given the chance to find out for himself.

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    We Need Some Really New Songs


    Contemporary worship should be... well contemporary, understandable, using words and concepts readily understandable. Nick Page argues that modern worship songwriters have a lot to answer for!

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    Church Invisible: Episode Six - The Set Menu


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040. He discovers that church buildings are now regarded as museums and the Anglican Church in Britain a pale shadow of its former life, with the recent General Synod held in a back room of the Rose and Crown and Tooting. He finds that bureaucracy, outdated training methods and increasing detachment from community were amongst the reasons for the demise.

  • Archive content

    Church Invisible Episode Eight: A visit to the Circus


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040 where his experience gives him insights into how the church, now almost extinct, went wrong.

  • Archive content

    Church Invisible Episode Seven: Life's a Beach


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040. He discovers that church buildings are now regarded as museums and the Anglican Church in Britain a pale shadow of its former life, with the recent General Synod held in a back room of the Rose and Crown in Tooting. He finds that bureaucracy, outdated training methods and increasing detachment from community were amongst the reasons for the demise.

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    An Endangered species : Single Men and the Church


    There are twice as many single women in the Church than men. This two-to-one ratio may seem like paradise - but as Nick Page discovers - not everything in the garden is rosy.

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    Church Invisible: Episode One


    In the first part of this new fictional series, Nick Page discovers what life will be like in the future if the church continues to die. Use the concluding questions to trigger discussion in your home/small group.

  • Archive content

    The Invisible Church: Part Five


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church', Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040. He discovers that church buildings are now regarded as museums and the Anglican Church in Britain a pale shadow of its former life, with the recent General Synod held in a back room of the Rose and Crown in Tooting. He finds that bureaucracy, outdated training methods and increasing detachment from community were amongst the reasons for the demise.

  • Archive content

    Church Invisible: Episode Four


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church' Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040, where he is given the chance to find out for himself.

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    Married to a woman minister


    The role of the minister's spouse has often been seen as a tricky one. But now with the introduction of women priests into the Church of England increasing numbers of men are having to relate in a whole new way to their churches Nick Page talks to the men about some of their struggles and asks the question: what do you call them?