
This week marks another defining moment for the UK as Brexit once again dominates the headlines. Amidst the uncertainty there is a worrying sense of division that cuts across age, gender, geography and class. There are differing opinions of where we should be heading and what it will mean for each of us. Should we be in or out? Do we have a deal or not? The confusion is almost palpable.

Six years ago, I had a somewhat random thought that I decided to act upon. My very simple idea was to buy 100 chocolate Easter eggs and give them away. 

I gathered some friends, headed to a local estate and we started to hand them out. I learned something that day. Kindness touches hearts and minds in a very special and significant way. It was an unprompted act that caught people by surprise. Some asked ‘why’? others simply smiled but, in every case, people seemed to come alive, were open and were very appreciative of us reaching out. That day ShareTheMiracle was born and I was reminded that we are all designed for kindness.

As we approach Easter and what many Christians consider to be the most important time of year, I wonder whether there is an opportunity to extend hope in the place of hopelessness and division? A simple act of kindness that brings the opposite spirit can help bring Britain together again. It's a gesture that overcomes divides and could make the world of difference to someone’s life in your local community. 

The chocolate egg has proven to be a catalyst to starting conversations, and from these conversations we have seen other little miracles being shared. Often, we get stuck in a bubble. I remember when I used to travel extensively with work and rarely had time to even lift up my eyes let alone engage with many of those around me. ShareTheMiracle gave me an opportunity or even an excuse to engage with all sorts of people.

Over the past six years, we have seen ShareTheMiracle Stations run in churches, in businesses and in schools. 

We've even been able to bring together schools with the local elderly and help put a dent in loneliness. We are now encouraging more schools to reach out to the elderly in their local area so that together this dent can go even deeper.

This Easter, gyms, hairdressers and even an MP’s constituency office are all planning to run a ShareTheMiracle Station. As the concept is so simple and accessible it means everyone can get involved.

There have been many stories of encouragement. One person testified: “Our team was giving out eggs on the street in their local community and a woman was near to tears as she accepted the egg, as her husband was very unwell in hospital. The egg we gave her happened to be his favourite!”

The simplest things are often the most effective ways of mobilising the masses. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a wave of kindness that transformed communities far and wide at Easter? 

May your hope overflow this Easter and transform the lives of those people in your local communities. Together we can help bring Britain back together again.

Dan Usher is the founder of ShareTheMiracle. For more information and to register go to

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