Equality was God’s plan for men and women in creation, and inequality is an evil result of the fall. Jenny Baker makes this case clearly and compellingly in her well-written, engaging book.
The early chapters consider what equality is and isn’t, discussing relevant biblical material and theological history in a deft, light-hearted way. The discussion is extremely well-informed. Baker references scientific research into the differences between men and women, uses governmental reports on diversity in company boardrooms and schools, and draws examples from sport, medicine and the arts. She avoids making equality a women’s issue.
In the second half of the book, Baker turns her attention to what we could do to live more equally. This part is delightfully practical, with all sorts of intriguing and refreshing ideas as to how a couple can negotiate an equal life together. Several people tell their stories, covering how to express personal views on marriage on your wedding day right through to who puts out the bins.
This is an ideal introduction for Christians who wish to learn more about gender issues but have been too afraid to ask. MTH
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