
Wolf Fields now has two beehives, sensory garden for children with disabilities, a food growing area, pond, wildflower meadow and orchard. The site was previously a dumping ground where drug abuse and other crimes took place.

Fifty-four tons of rubbish were removed during the first three months of the clean-up process. Asbestos, needles, syringes, broken bottles, sofas, beds and oil drums were all found and disposed of.

The project was backed by the council and police and funded by business leaders, contractors, grantmaking trusts, churches and people from other faiths. A Rocha says that they have not ‘hidden or watered down’ their Christian faith. ‘Instead [we] have made sure we are as inclusive as we can be to the whole community – in a way that invites support and welcomes rather than inhibits and creates fear.’ 

This Month In Figures



churches have been demolished in the Chinese province of Zhejiang over the past two years 


people are expected to take part in 40 Acts this Lent. The movement aims to help individuals and groups ‘do Lent generously’ 

The National Churches Trust has awarded £390,000 to places of worship across Britain to help with maintenance costs 

180 million

Valentine’s Day cards will be exchanged this month